Burt Reynolds is dead so let me have a diablo sandwich, a Dr Pepper. Make it fast. I'm in a goddamn hurry.

48  2018-09-06 by scorezman


St Peter is telling him now, my wife's gotta ass in her cock out in the driveway!

Aww 😢 i met him when i was little.. I didnt know who he was but my parents had to get a picture with him. He told them i was beautiful 👑

Did he give you a mustache ride?

Did ya.

He told them i was beautiful

Yaknow he's burning in hell for that lie.

Nah i was legit the prettiest little girl ever and my mom was so jealous. She'd be like no one has ever come up to me and i told me i was beautiful. Just fuckin bitter towards a child. That's where i got my cattiness from. Love you, mom

Ethnic children can't be cute.

Omg my babies are gorgeous. White babies look like undercooked turkeys. And wwhen they get that glow in the dark white blonde hair... EW!

White babies look like undercooked turkeys.

But their credit score is so good!

And unlikely to be shot before the 16th birthday

Shit apples

Your Mum legit would have been an Amazing fuck as she woulda been even crazier then you .

And im guessing the bellybutton from hell is not hereditary?

I didn’t know he had vision problems.

This just in, Burt Reynolds is a god damn LIAR

God needed someone to block for a bootleg shipment. :_(

Remember Artie telling the story how once Burt is dead he's arranged for a tell-all book to be released?
About how he fucked every guy executive to get to the top, and how he's going to name names.

I was trying to remember who said that just a few months back. God damn Baby gorilla.

What? Like proper fucked? Burt was a gay like Anthony Cumia?

He rode the gay Hollywood casting couch in 69

LOL when Artie finally dies he's arranged for a tell-all pamphlet to be released. It'll feature his six stories, five jokes and a few Stern insults.

sniff Fawwwwk this one hurts. Loved him in Magnum P.I.

One of the greats

We lost a good one. Burt was nearly Mel Gibson level badass. I hope his tell all book (to be released after his death, so soon now) shits on Hollywood.

I wonder if they finished shooting his scenes for the latest Tarantino film before he kicked it

Dude was a boss. He posed nude for Playgirl, then got upset when he learn a bunch of faggots were jerking it to his piece

What, jerking off to Burt Reynolds makes you gay now?

Burt Reynolds? More like 6 feet under the Dirt Reynolds, right gang?


Shit, you got me.

No. No it's not.

So when’s his book coming out with all the being fucked in the ass material

We are losing all our men and are left with Cumias. It's gonna be a really big bottle when the good Lord brings Mel home.

Was that Magnum or the guy who topped Dom DeLuise.