Piss-NiggerZ hating on Porsalin's documentary [AUDIO]

32  2018-09-06 by RapistWithAlDS


Why would anyone listen to this Mr. Piss-NiggerZ? He appears to be an uncouth gentleman.



Yeah I have no idea. I was just going by OP's name for the guy.

What the fuck is wrong with this idiot? Is he legit mentally retarded?


It's literally like someone exaggerating a Scott Shannon character for comedic effect.

How important is the worm?


You know, I said exaggerated Scott Shannon character but listening to it more I get much more of an angry Iron Sheik vibe:

Wow, so that’s where his water head kids inherited their retard genes from, they get their obesity and crosseyes from their mother and their retardation from their mixed race father.

I like ur horse emoji i think it is cute....🐎🌷

"Are you trying to make him all famous or sumthin?" WHAT?! There truly is nothing on this planet more grotesque and putrid than the cape verdean crook himself. Has zero self awareness to run his cunt pissy phlegm ocean mouth about the "$60,000 fugitive" when that was initially making its rounds yet, the cape verdean crook is the $500 fugitive (or whatever amount he thieved from the dumb ass fool's that donated) for his failed NY trip to Artie & Ant Show. The utterly worthless sack of worm ridden dog shit can't even be sober and right minded when he spews his gutless garbage out his phlegm flood gates, the Newport black tar infused fucking useless alcoholic deadbeat dad scum fuck puke he is and shall forever be. I pray that you for of blood alcohol poisoning and lung/throat cancer at the same time, saiyanz coal burner offspring faggot. I know you scramble to ona subreddit hourly to steal material for your vomitus rip off videos, so I know you will read all of this. Good. You thief in the night welfare serpent ghetto rat. Fuck off, cunt boy!

There really needs to be a Project Piss Nigger-Z to get retard banned from Youtube.


If you're listening to him, you're as retarded as he is.

Is Sayanz an alcoholic?

nah, that's his real voice.

Worse. A nigger.

No that nigger just can't drink.. He gets totally wrecked off just 2 vodka and monster energy drinks..

How important is the worm?

I might hire Kyle for my business

That was hilarious, & I like them both

Sounds like he has less chromosomes than Bobo.

u/Porsalin got TOLD

I sure did

but seriously dude, I didn't see the literal metamorphosis of Jim into an actual helminth. WTF??!!!!

I think Norton passed him by


Haha he's brilliant.

What a world we live in.

Hearing that retarded hoodrat slur through the audio clip just makes you want to pull his Sherrod Smalls-sized drunk tongue out of his mouth and perform the most gruesome Mortal Kombat fatality a psychopathic degenerate could think of.

Him and stinks are the missing links in the evolution of this sub

Don’t you dare lump stinks in with this mush mouthed halfwit.

Shut up stinks

I feel my shoes getting drooled on just from listening to this garbage.

The same man DEFENDED Killa Kuhn and said Colin Quinn is a hack.

Tefft Pattern is the real lord.

Did this mush mouth just get his wisdom teeth pulled?

I think this idiot literally wants the part where Jim turns into an actual worm.


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Sounds like a cough med drinking tard

He sounds like his shirt must smell.

But guys!!!! He pays his child support on time!! and isn't an addict alcoholic attention seeker who neglects his children!!!

My man is retarded.

What is this????? why is this even on the sub?????

Piss Nigger's idiocy is as amusing as it is utterly infuriating. This is like watching Blade Runner and a nigger is blabbering about there literally not being and Blades or People Running. It's frustrating how he doesn't understand what an worthless piece of shit he is.

yeah dont think i am going to listen to this

Jeez, this guy makes Rich Vos sound like Tony Robbins with his stupid mushmouth nonsense. Go make another pointless "drama" video of you spitting on your shitty mic while you show awful video from your shitty Wal-Mart phone you wannabe nothing.

I think its time to destroy Z

are those sayanz retarded relatives from abroad?

Every one comes from a "broad", schenkleboutit.