Just experienced the most surreal thing

74  2018-09-06 by Purplestahli

I was browsing r/starterpacks and noticed in the comments someone replied to a comment with "feed nana."

I got a chuckle thinking that the humor of this sub was leaking to other subs and checked the dudes profile to see if he posts here

Turns out the fucker is just a walking, talking, nana feeding machine


God speed to that man

Why aren’t we working harder?


If you google feed nana the image is the first result. I think we're keeping pace here.

Thank you for bringing this our attention and remember

Feed Nana

Someone needs to throw it up on Urban Dictionary, post-haste

I tried to, but now they require you to sign in with Google or Facebook. Fuck that shit. I can't just give you my fake email address?

I stumbled onto this today in HP sub and couple of more from my front page.

what is going on here?

Feed nana is

Anthony Cumia formerly of the opie and Anthony show and now head of compound media is an alt right podcaster. He’s openly admitted to wanting to sleep with children, he’s been caught buying gifts for children. Some of them turn out to be 40 year old men. He was arrested for domestic abuse, during the incident he is taped saying “you treat me like I’m a nigger in my own house.” Anthony Cumia has been connected to Sue Lightning (young looking tranny) it’s widely believed he bought her breast. During their intercourse she withdrew from inside him when he exclaimed “feed nana”. He has admitted to leaving his sick mother in the care of a brother joe and not seeing her once in the last five years of her life. He alleges that some women have called him sexy, and that he’s still hilarious. Never mention it to him as he loves sending people back to obscurity.



Lol now you're just being an autistic copy cat by spamming that in other subs. It lacks subtely and nuance compared to just saying feed nana. Quit trying to unorganically force it out there you faggot. It was funny when he did it, its just fucking depressing and reeks of desperation when you do it.

Feed nana is

Anthony Cumia formerly of the opie and Anthony show and now head of compound media is an alt right podcaster. He’s openly admitted to wanting to sleep with children, he’s been caught buying gifts for children. Some of them turn out to be 40 year old men. He was arrested for domestic abuse, during the incident he is taped saying “you treat me like I’m a nigger in my own house.” Anthony Cumia has been connected to Sue Lightning (young looking tranny) it’s widely believed he bought her breast. During their intercourse she withdrew from inside him when he exclaimed “feed nana”. He has admitted to leaving his sick mother in the care of a brother joe and not seeing her once in the last five years of her life. He alleges that some women have called him sexy, and that he’s still hilarious. Never mention it to him as he loves sending people back to obscurity.


Haha! You did the exact opposite of what I told you to do! You're a real piece of work, mister!

See what I did there I’m a hoot and a half.

Monster Hunter is dope, hope you figured that cart shit out

I did. Turns out you just had to do the low rank prowler missions. Went over my head because I had 0 interest in playing prowler.

Saw him on /r/TheSimpsons earlier

I don't like people attracting attention to this place

We always get banned from other subreddits. This whole subreddit got banned from /r/happy because people kept posting photos of Erock there.

But Erock makes us genuinely happy. Mind boggling that other subs show such opposite reaction.

They didn’t believe us when we’d subtly point out that he has Down’s syndrome. Even though there is plenty of visual evidence for it.

They think we are making it up and are harassing him. Everybody on this sub knows what's really the case though...

Exactly, Nana can't bring us down but our own hubris will.

Bringing Reddit to 4chan worked wonders.

Johnny Branmuffins!

Great. Look forward to this sub being "that place the inscrutable 'feed nana' shit is from"

Good. Fuck everyone on the outside looking in. I hope this site gets annoyed, reddit fucking blows.

I'm doing my part.

Tbh, this is becoming more than a joke. This is u/YAYVIDEOGAMES 2.0. Check out the profile. About a day ago something snapped and he's outright spamming "feed nana."

Within 48 hours this dude will walk into a school dressed like a baby and start hacking people with an old lawn mower blade.

poor lil feller

I'm an outsider looking in. I'm not annoyed at all. Just taoken me 40 mins to find out what the fuck is going on.

And when i did, r/feednana got filled with pictures of an African President.

Now I truly don't know what's going on again.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/FeedNana using the top posts of all time!

#1: Anthony Cumia here
#2: Feed Nana | 1 comment
#3: FeedNana | 2 comments

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

Its not worth getting invested in. Believe me.

The virus is spreading!


It's ok, I'm bringing it back.

dat boi stuck in a loop, mus be all hungry n shiz

Feed Nana.

Though this subreddit pokes fun at its own “mental illness” in ironic humor, there are a handful of users here who actually display real symptoms of severe psychosis, this person being one of them

Another is u/AmySchumerBiggestFan

All of his posts are multiple paragraphs to or about me, repeating the same words verbatim, and it isn’t done in self aware humor, but serious, genuine anger

I think a gofundme souls be organised to help those here suffering from mental illness seek treatment

I like that guy's bit

You are absolutely describing yourself. Aren't you that edgy fag who went on a massive rant about how Adam Lanza is a hero?

I don't make the same posts about Adam Lanza verbatim every day

Psychosis means disconnection with reality. Now you learned something. You're welcome, I was happy to help


We always get banned from other subreddits. This whole subreddit got banned from /r/happy because people kept posting photos of Erock there.

They think we are making it up and are harassing him. Everybody on this sub knows what's really the case though...

Exactly, Nana can't bring us down but our own hubris will.

Bringing Reddit to 4chan worked wonders.