Anthony must be losing it since he can't rant about this on social media

5  2018-09-05 by RelevantField


I wonder where he stands on the Trayvon & Mike Brown

cause i saw something before where, although still retarded, he was wise to the media manipulation involving Clinton. Still doesn't mean he'd be wise to those retarded farces of narratives they made regarding them

He yelled Trayvon was a thug because even though he didnt have an arrest record he fought in school, did drugs and stole things. He said this without irony or self awareness.

Pizza Gate is still happening on Ant’s face.

i was talking about Kaepernick

how did 2 people i was assuming Anthony had a reasonable opinion on either of those 2

He punched a dude and slammed his head into the pavement also

A creeper who was following him around pretending to be a cop.

Not illegal

Did he take him to court or did he shoot him?

No. Its not Illegal to follow someone while calling 911.

It is illegal to assault someone.

People can and have died from their head being slammed into asphalt. It is legal to shoot someone if you have a reasonable belief that your life is in danger or you are at risk of serious bodily harm

Everything else about the case is race baiting and speculation

wah wah wah Zimmerman could've gone home instead of harassing teenagers to get his dick hard. We all know how this shook out legally, we all know it was bullshit.

Harassing teenagers doesnt warrant being attacked and almost killed and you know it. Thats why you reacted emotionally to the facts of the case. You WANT it to be a racial killing but since the facts dont support your narrative you fall back to "white guy kills little defenseless little boy".

Oh please, if we're going to talk propriety arent we going to start with the busy body who appointed himself sherrif of the subdivision? I dont give a shit about the race aspect of it- this goofball invented a terrible situation and he's lucky enough that the law got him out of it. He's since gone on to prove what an unhinged shithead he is.

Only 1 person commited a felony that night. Lol

Allegedly. Also, I'm not debating the legality of what happened. You must love freedom though if you're cool with the right to stalk someone with a gun. Good patriot.

Stalk? He was talking to 911

Yeah thats what it's called when you follow someone around watching them. Did the cops say 'oh please mr fake cop could you please follow the individual for us?'

He thought he was in an action movie- just admit he's a chump who got lucky. He got to live out the charles bronson fantasy all the chumps have when they feel impotent.


He literally spent 3 weeks of TACS ranting about Mike Brown

People don't think it be like it is, but it do.

Excuse mel Mr. Negro,the seventies are over.

A creeper who was following him around pretending to be a cop.

Harassing teenagers doesnt warrant being attacked and almost killed and you know it. Thats why you reacted emotionally to the facts of the case. You WANT it to be a racial killing but since the facts dont support your narrative you fall back to "white guy kills little defenseless little boy".