Friendly reminder that the 2 queens who claim they are addicted to hard work, who ridicule producers who don’t do work outside of the studio, who only work 3 hours a day (with commercials), just took a week off because “everyone takes time off in the summer”

31  2018-09-05 by djexpat

Yeah....sigh...that’s a tough one man.


Hopefully management gives them more time off in October. They deserve it.

They take what? 2 full weeks and a few Fridays a year? Who the fuck is complaining?

I don’t give a fuck if they take 6 months off out of the year. But when Sammy shitbags talks about how hard he works and how no one works harder than him, he ends up looking like a huge cocksucker

America fucks over its workers with lack of paid days off. Somehow the business owners have got the workers to think its a good thing to work every week.

But think of all the content that can come out of that week off- They can tell stories about where they went, what they did, etc. I’m sure a couple of characters like them got into all sorts of adventures during their vacation.

It’s not like their first show back would just be a bland rehash of the news stories they missed & another recap of that Borat show Sam really likes. Right?