How did the sheer idiocy of Joe Cumia go unnoticed for so many years?

4  2018-09-05 by namefile

Joseph Cumia is a profoundly stupid man who rarely goes more than 24 hours without publicly embarrassing himself or his family.

However, I can't remember a single discussion of the numerous personal failings of Joe Cumia prior to Anthony's firing. I've been a member of this sub since around 2012, and sporadically lurked at all the other various O&A message boards over the years.

Did Joe Cumia sustain some sort of head injury in 2014 that has never been addressed? Or did we all just never notice that Anthony's brother was basically a retarded person.



Joe was a non-entity in the satellite years, he'd call to get a plug in, or drop some musical trivia, but that was it. Even in the WNEW years, he was just Anthony's brother who helped with musical bits.

Social media destroyed these dudes.

Being obnoxious Italians destroyed these dudes

It didn’t. We just had bigger fish to fry

Even back in 2007 they would hock his shit 2U tribute band. It was terribly cringe back then.