Was Erock Hired at Compound Media to Help Make Anthony Funny Again?

8  2018-09-04 by OpiesInnerCircle

As we all know, the black crime statistics, Muslims are the devil & libtards are snowflakes direction of the Anthony Cumia & that Other Guy Show hasn't worked. In fact, it's caused once loyal fans to abandon Anthony and for some to go so far as to attempt to destroy Anthony and his family's lives. Was Erock brought in to refocus Anthony back to the funny? If so, will it work?


fuck that dude and his stupid swollen face

He could say the same thing about that bellybutton of yours

That thing is as dense and heavy as a plum

I don't know why he does what he does, but I'm certain it won't work.

he was hired to piss off Opie.

No, he was hired specifically because of how exceptionally racist he is. Erock marches around day and night reciting the 14 words, and famously maced the shit out of a bunch of Antifa at Unite the Right.

If Eric was hiding Jews in Nazi Germany, all it would take is some sausage or cold cults before he gave them up to the SS.

Just the aroma of delicious bratwurst and he’d be spilling his considerable guts

Imagine all the trouble it would of saved us

He wants to do an AMA here this Saturday, if anyone interested.


Make Anthony Funny Again...

if only erock had the balls to have a MAFA hat made, & wear it to work.

They probably hired him for security. Just another familiar big fat warm body to put between Ant and the garment district skels circling the building.

Anthony Cumia & that Other Guy Show...

Dole Landcow.

When has Anthony ever listened to ANYBODY? He's fucking feral. If he could listen to someone and follow their advice, he wouldn't be banished to the land of Obscurity even as we type and breathe. If he could listen to and follow advice, he wouldn't be a pissy eyed faggot. Must be nice to have $$$

Cheap show, plus it's non-confrontation Tony's way of lightening the load on Keith.

Is erock a producer or just making his own show on CM?

No reports of a show yet, just producing.

He was hired so Ant can feel like a big shot.

If he could talk Nana out of the fucking green screen mess and turn the place Into a radio station, that would be a start.

Amen. Even if it’s a hybrid fixed set. And I don’t class just a table and chairs as a hybrid set. You need physical background objects to add reality to the scene.

I know why Ant went full virtual set. As you cannot swing a cat in the room where they broadcast. But it all looks cramped and like a bad 90s FMV video game.

Erock is dumber than Anthony, is addicted to food rather than alcohol, and has never said or done anything funny in his life.

is addicted to food rather than alcohol,

Have you seen him recently? Of course piggy boy still loves his treats but he looks like he puts away 10 pints a night. The ruddy complexion, bloated featureless face, the small glassy eyes. Eric is clearly a heavy beer drinker who chases with spirits a few times a week. I grew up around boozers, I know the look.

ME: he's dying of skin cancer, leave it alone!!

"I bring nothing to the table."

He needed DA MONEY!

"My name is Erik, and I hate blacks and Jews."

He was hired because he's stupid enough to work for free.

Why not pm /u/itseriknagel and ask him directly?

Least they might get some on air jingles and produced audio bits. Production values are still pretty amateurish even if Ant keeps saying how much he has spent on a tricaster and green screen. You could have a Ferrari and still be shit at driving it.