Someone please write a one page eBook chronicling Anthony's shortcomings and sell it for $0.01 in the General Broadcasting category so Anth gets knocked from #1

162  2018-09-04 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

I would do it, but I already used my 15 minute break and those delicious Panera turkey cranberry clubs aren't going to make themselves.


This is a great idea.

Hey Stacey....thats idea is greattttttt

Is it really that easy? I have a bunch of bread in the oven right now, I have a few minutes to spare.

What kind of bread?

Tuesday's special is 1/2 bread bowls.

So glad you asked! Ciabatta, Rye, and Tomato Basil. After this batch it's a bunch of classic white and some whole grain.

Nice! I'm working on getting a sourdough starter that finally works (I keep forgetting but I love that bread and I really want to get good at making it at home.) I'm basically just working through the FWSY book.

if I make bread anywhere outside of Panera, they will send their people after me. I can't risk it.

Panera - the illuminati of the bread world.

Country parmesan.

We should contract that guy chuck tingle to write it

This is honestly a great idea. I'll buy it.

All we'd need to do is get a few hundred copies sold. At $0.01, $2.50 would supplant Anthony. Make the author "/r/opieandanthony", and we're instantly more successful.

How about we have a giant thread where everyone writes a couple hundred words on something. We can just compile it and maybe have enough.

Actually not a bad idea. Someone that isn’t me get this ball rolling.

It’s this type of go getter attitude that has lifted you to the heights of assist to the shift manager.

Feed Nana

Probably wouldn’t even need more than a dozen or two sold since it’s based on recent sales in the last couple days.

I'll buy 100 of them

U/Beigefrequency, you busy?

This is a great idea and he's just the guy to get it done with clarity and the exact right tone.

He just delivers the facts, very professional.

He can probably use Dragon Speaks or whatever speech-to-text editor people are using in 2018 on his Youtubes and create the book that way.

tsss fus ro dah or sumpting

I dont know if your tag worked /u/beigefrequency

The u always has to be lower-cased.

I think I will be able to finish the series before the book comes out, so we will see what happens.

You should just put a transcription of your videos in a word doc and post it for an /r/ona autist to release it as an e-book for $.01 on Amazon. Proceeds going to BLM.

Just spam post the links to Beige's documentary

Make sure it's labeled as an unauthorized biography, and the cover doesn't use any copyright protected photos of him.

Maybe one of the fine illustrators here can donate a cover image.

Feed Nana

truly this century's Mona Lisa.

That scary book cover of Ant that someone posted as a parody of that kids book.

That would be awesome for an anthology of tranthony stories

The cover image could be that clay former head

vurry good.

How qickly can we get this done? An unauthorized bio.

As an added burn, donate all profit to the NAACP.

woah woah slow down there partner.

Cumia of Arabia

can anyone link me to that one thread that broke down the lonelygirl affair? i want to read that guy's confession where he admitted he was divorced/unemployed and did not even just to troll or catfish but cause he liked the attention he got when pretending to be a teen girl online


Too autistic for me. My car stops here.



This is how to do it:

Just get any PDF that’s like 20 pages. Go on and make a book, make it as cheap as possible (even a kindle ebook). And you can publish it direct to amazon.

The content is irrelevant. Upload a manual for your stereo. No one looks at the content.

That could technically get taken down for copyright or whatever - it would be just as easy to generate a PDF with nonsense and then they wouldn't be able to touch it at all. Or something from Library of Babel.

Though that's a very easy option, Anthony would certainly try his damndest to get it pulled. If done properly we could actually outsell his book legitimately lmao.

/u/gab-a-ghoul, you were talking about doing this a few hours ago and here it is. Spooky! I guess "Parallel thinking" is real.

Sell it for a dollar at least. Let him get a dinner out of it. Or just transcribe the beige documentary format it and call it a book. I’d pay nearly 5$ for that.

I emailed Chuck tingle. I may just write a book myself called anthony cumia is a faggot.

this is good

Call it: The Rise And Fall and Fall Again of the Moor, Anthony Cumia with a nice illustrated cover.

Something like this.

Like all good biographies it must begin with some family history, beginning in Wadi Al Qumiyah, all the way up to when he choked Dani (basically the plot of Othello).

hey /u/beigefrequency do you have a transcript of your nana documentary series? want to just copy and paste that and publish?

Has someone already started or should I keep writing?

It hasn't been #1 for a while. It's down to #10 now.

Do a search of this sub for things like nana, anthony, all the nick names used around here in the past while. Sort by top, copy paste the posts.

Can anyone get Ian Halprin for the forward?

Just use an audio transcriber for the documentaries and there's yiue book.

if I make bread anywhere outside of Panera, they will send their people after me. I can't risk it.

That could technically get taken down for copyright or whatever - it would be just as easy to generate a PDF with nonsense and then they wouldn't be able to touch it at all. Or something from Library of Babel.

Though that's a very easy option, Anthony would certainly try his damndest to get it pulled. If done properly we could actually outsell his book legitimately lmao.