American tourists are the worst tourists

16  2018-09-04 by Dennyislife


A phone booth isn’t designed for a man of his carriage

Why would anyone think it's okay to be this fat?

And then wear such small shirts to boot

He’s miserable and wants to ruin the day of everyone who looks at him.

Doesnt matter. He could lose weight and still look bad.

He was thin when he worked on the legendary Carson Daly Show but he still had a gigantic Mars Attacks head.

That's a really well-designed bra; you can hardly see it's there.


I'm genuinely surprised at the lack of any heart attacks lately other than Colin.

Does he ever wear anything other than a t-shirt and gym shorts?

He is incapable of wearing regular pants.

Does he also know how to cook or just how eat?

I forgot this fat piece of crap existed.

He’s looking far and wide for a phone booth he can fit in.

Imagine being the poor fucker that had to sit next to him on the plane

Imagine the pilot having to compensate for an unbalanced load

fat, disgusting slobs.

I thought Roland was some kind of spic?

He’s a metzigan American.

He's a fat messican

What a fucking piece of shit.

So are Roland and Paul gay lovers? Why would Paul hang out with an older annoying fat guy with a stupid voice?

They work on the Ricky gervais show together. For some reason the company fly Roland and Paul over every time.

I pray Roland becomes the new Karl Pilkington and Gervais finds amazing new ways to torture and humiliate him.

He has to be the worst dressed and most out of shape homosexual alive. Anthony Cumia- close second.

Theres no way that fat fuck could fit in there

How is a guy who looks this terrible with shit social skills in charge of booking and networking with celebrities?

I don't understand why he 'books' for gervais when its all just English comics that have either worked with gervais or he is friends with.

They work on the Ricky gervais show together. For some reason the company fly Roland and Paul over every time.