Two equals.

65  2018-09-03 by RBuddCumia


Luis is 100x more productive than Joe, come on now. He supports himself financially and doesn’t neglect his kid.

Luis is dumb as fuck, but he also works hard, has self-awareness, and actually is a decent human being. The Cumias are just dumb as fuck.

Louis' father was stabbed to death when he was 4 and his heroin addicted literal whore of a mother killed herself with heroin when he was 20.

Still raised better than the cumia brothers

I'm glad he won that pointless fight and I hope it leads to Ant vs Artie at MSG

Nice bro, stupid

That’s a pretty big get for the beaner. Is his network in competition with Compound Media?

Nah, one is for comedy and one is for uneducated alt-right babble.

It isn't even in competition anymore. Anthony gets Luis's "Doesn't want"s. And if sometihing interesting comes out of Compound Media, Luis just takes it (eg- Malice).

Anthony's been friends with Dice for decades, and who gets the Dicecast? Luis.

Luis starts a network about a year and a half ago, and boom, almost a full week of decent shows - .

Anthony's network is a patchwork of cheap shit.

Very funny considering that a third of the show in the early 2000s was Dice impressions.


Yeah? Well who has Geno Bisconte? 1-0, Anthony

Andrew Dice Clay. Holy shit. How'd he get him?!

Oh, its post-1991 that's how.

Dice blew up again ... he’s fading (again), but he did have a pop

in 2008

Nah, his Showtime show was good and got mainstream buzz. If you niggas would actually watched things instead of telling each other everything sucks, is faggy and/or is a Jewish plot you might be aware of these things.

An hour or two of Dice a week could be great. When he's mad on Instagram it's pretty funny.

You were even "bigger" when you appeared on the Stern World's Smallest Penis contest, Hosp!

Logging in and out of those accounts tonight eh, fag?

Already told you and the cucked failure Dave MacDonald who I really am.

I only have one account, unlike your 200+, but congrats on the Stern small cock and old tranpa have a lot in common.

jokes on him, luis is one of us

fuck outta here, i aint no dirty spic

Boy if you don't stop I'm gonna ask you nively to stop again

Just looked it up...Godfrey? Dee Snider?

Damn. Go Luis.

Godfrey is possibly the worst LoS guest of all time. But the other two gets, right on.

Godfrey has good buzz in the black community. He does a lot of stuff for Vladtv, who is big in hip hop, so it's a good pick up even if for the press. Even if he isn't great, Godfrey > Taleeb.

I like Dee, he's old, but he's good on radio.

Just had a look myself. This fucking Puerto Rican has managed to outdo most other podcast networks in just over a year. He has some fucking work ethic this one.

How disloyal this free loader is praising his the accomplishments of his brother’s competitor.

Why would he talk about his brother like that.

When Joe says, "wastes of flesh and bone", who is he referring to? Compound Media? If so then I can only assume Joseph forgot to use his anonymous account this time. Joe is going to give Windows 10's security both barrels over this one.

Keith and little brother.

Isn't Luis one of many people who blew off the Compound to have greater success elsewhere? When even Artie Lange thinks you are too much of a loser to work with, it is time to re-evaluate your choices you stupid fucking baboon.


How embarrassing is Joe Cumia..


/u/ThePRRattlesnake called out Sue Lightning on tranpa's network and for that, I will forever be grateful.

Anyone have that clip?

I work at Panera. Why would I ever sign the Diceman or perform at a comedy club? However anyone who has held a job for even a day has accomplished more in a lifetime than Joe has or will.

Love the name

I'm sure Luis really needed that uplifting message from a success like brother joe.

Luis is probably one of the hardest working guys in the business, Joe trying to related to him on any level is hilarious.

Joe is just trying to get The Joe Cumia Show picked up on Luis’ network. Joe can’t even pick his daughter up on time let alone get a show picked up.

Nah, his Showtime show was good and got mainstream buzz. If you niggas would actually watched things instead of telling each other everything sucks, is faggy and/or is a Jewish plot you might be aware of these things.

Luis is dumb as fuck, but he also works hard, has self-awareness, and actually is a decent human being. The Cumias are just dumb as fuck.