You all are just jealous.

9  2018-09-03 by RBuddCumia


I wonder if shes actually read any comic books and just said that for some attention?

Nah chicks never do that

Girl with the Dragon tattoo lookin ass nigga skank.

Lord of the flies lookin ass nigga.

Lord of the flies lookin ass nigga.

nice collarbone, stupid.

Nightmare before Christmas looking ass bitch.


Looks like every guy who worked at Hot Topic in 2003.

Obviously not interested in being attractive to the opposite sex. Thanks a lot Tranth

This is what you turn into after a bite from count cumia

Crystal Meth. every white girl i know that tweaks does shit like this

Also, look at her pupils and she is in San Diego. i will bet my life this bitch on the shard

"Hmm, I'm a 6 on my best day but I want lots of men to fawn over me because I'm in need if constant validation. Might as well involve myself in a nerdy fandom so the pussy starved guys in that fandom overestimate my hotness.

Ah Roe Cumia Casket look seems to be in with hip kids

Nah chicks never do that