Theory: If Chip is Opie then Harry Hater is Jim

111  2018-09-03 by Guac_Bowl_Cuck

Tonight, I'm going to explain the genius of Opie's "character," Harry Hater and also explain why we should all look back and recognize it for what it really is...

Opie taking the piss out Jim.

Harry Hater is clearly a mockery of Jimmy's phony rants on mundane things he found "enraaaaging." Opie puts on a stupid voice to mock Jimmy's characters (it even sounds like a mix between Ted and Edgar) and takes little jabs at Jimmy needing his smoothies at the gym, his addiction, and his tendency to be a dry drunk ("I NEED MY SUGARY DRINKS TO GET THROUGH THE DAY!") Opie even sucks on the straw like it's a dick as a subtle jab to Jim's closeted homosexuality.

You can also tell it's a Jimmy impression based on the obnoxious way he puts emphasis on words to seem more angry ("this CRAAAAP"). He also hates on trendy things in an attempt to be unique and different while at the same time partaking in said trend. No doubt a reference to little wormy Jim.

Tl;dr: Harry Hater is a stupid man that puts on little voices, repeats himself, pretends to be angry at mundane things in desperate attempt to be funny, obnoxiously emphasizes certain words, acts like a spoiled better than everyone else diva, and slips homosexual undertones into his mannerisms. Sound like someone we know? Opie is a comedic genius.

Harry Hater > Chip


It definitely sounds like a Jimmy impression I'll give you that. It's about as funny as Chip, too. Which is to say not very.

Harry Hater is hilarious and we wouldn't have made fun of him if our hate wasn't manipulated by Ant and Jim. #TeamOpie

True, I feel awful for allowing Anthony and Jim to manipulate my hate and making me turn on Opie.

minor celebrities even lower on the fame scale than Norton


Hey now, Bryan Johnson is on television and was the motivation for one of the great movie characters of all time. Randall Graves is my personal hero.

My god you got me to watch Harry Hater again because of a stupid theory...that you may be absolutely right about! In the clip you attached when he goes into the yelling "Nobody like pumpkins..." it is a spot-on impersonation of Jimmy going on one of his rants. And without a doubt it's a horrible character (that does sound like Edgar) and I now realize it was Opie taking out his frustration of hearing his cohost that he hated doing these silly voices throughout the show. I wanted to be Harry Hater on your theory but I think you may have just figured something out. Well done!

I'm just ashamed it took me this long to recognize greatness.

But you figured out...didn't ya? Better than a lot of us just riding the hate train and not realizing the Opester was just waiting for us to finally catch on. Again! Bravo!

Don't beat yourself up. I believe Opie always intended us to hate Harry Hater.

He did it to show us how terrible Jim really is.

Van Gogh and Bach weren't recognised as geniuses until after their deaths. At least Gregg "Opie" Hughes has escaped that cruel fate, and it's all thanks to you.

Pryor. Carlin. The Opester.

I agree. But in reverse order.

My mind just got blowed up! There might be something to this... Jim seemed annoyed when confronting Opie about Harry Hater. And Opie just giggled incessantly. I suspect this character was an inside joke with Lyndsi. It made her laugh to the point he made it a video. I have made voices in relationships making fun of my coworkers before that was an inside joke to only us. And the worm is such a lonely paranoid freak he knew that's what it was.

And as we all know, Harry Hater is infamous for his insatiable lust for black cock, just like Morton

Opie was the nuanced comedic genius all along

The only way to pay penance for our prior sins is to raise $60,000 for a Harry Hater cartoon.

Never seen this before and completely agree with you.

What a shocking revelation! I only watched one Harry Hater video in fear of my sides literally splitting open from Gregg's comedic genius.

Thanks for doing the Lord's work!

Yes, as Ant does nonstop rants

I like how he has to whisper in his bathroom to make these,

Vurrry good

My God man, you’ve finally done it. You broke the matrix.

when opie told those retards typing TSS TSS on twitter to stop making baby noises and go back to cartoon network with that retarded shit, hes actually trashing mortons baby boy rants and mocking the whole chipson cartoon scam in one go, multi layers to opesters insults

I can’t even go along with this as much as I hate jimmy I refuse under any circumstance to subject myself to even a second of a harry hater video on the one in a billion chance there is any comedic subtext to it whatsoever

Your loss, brotherman.

Harry does love peckers.

wtf I love harry hater now

Fucking enraaaaging

who the fuck is harry hater>?


it was always meant to be a mockery/his version of of internet "haters"

This is like some "Mandela Effect" shit. We hated Opie all this time when in fact he was the subversive one.

The only way to pay penance for our prior sins is to raise $60,000 for a Harry Hater cartoon.