What kind of low class, white trash scumbag would wear this to court? Even a colored would’ve chose matching sneakers.

77  2018-09-03 by ISO__JOE


Answer: A low class, white trash scumbag





big fat fuckin black dick with nigger cum and shit on it

Those were the whitest sneakers he owned and therefore dress shoes to a Cumia.

nice shirt, stupid

Classic Chicken Hawk.

Dudes like 70.

Probably a nervous last minute fuckup, $2,300 is more money than he's earned this year.

Sounds like you’re implying he earned it here. He didn’t even have to LARP as U2 for this money. Just show up in Connecticut in his freshest pair of Marshalls Nikes.

It would be funny if you looked closer and noticed it's not even a real Nike swoosh, he's wearing fakers.

I wanna hear Mel Gibson tear Joe a new asshole over the phone.

There are a very, very small amount of people on earth who can pull off wearing bright white shoes with a dark or neon colored attire... and that person is black and charismatic. That person is not Brother Joe.

that person is black and charismatic

One out of two ain't bad.

When you're brother joe, even one third of an effort is a job well done.

even one third

Now let's not be unreasonable. It's more like three fifths.

Ben Stein is the only non-colored guy I can think of.

Air Monarchs the official Shoes of dads that are definitely not pedophiles your honor.

He's dressed for a homeless funeral.

Hopefully his


its his only pair

Even his old army kitchen clogs would have matched better.

And those aren't even good sneakers. Who would wear white sneakers with black clothes like that? It just looks so stupid

The Air Monarchs....great choice.

Are they available at Walmart?

Holy shit. The white sneakers. What a low life piece of trash

That’s what you can get off the rack at Kohl’s rather than going to Men’s Warehouse.

100% makes sense. This is a Kohls outfit. Joe said shit, court day and picked up the coat and Kohls exclusive Dad Nikes

He thinks he is Jax from samcro

He wore a logo T shirt and sneakers to a court appearance...A TELEVISED court appearance.

Nice 3/5ths of a coherent thought, stupid