Can we stop doing posts about Dawn and Joe???

0  2018-09-02 by 306d316b72306e

In the theme of this sub

Since there has been a spike in posts about Joe and Dawn in recent days can we now start talking about how wrong it is to criticize or troll them? Be careful you might actually do something influential and productive.......


downvotes in 3....2....1....

Really? I had no idea that would happen...

ok Dawn

ok dude who obviously from his activity on reddit lives with his parents

and when they are dying, Ill visit them

You’re an Uber driver you dumb cunt.

Self-employed, living the American dream...

I am? I made posts about it months ago so I must do nothing but..

It doesn’t take me hours to try and come up with a witty remark. I do this while shitting or in traffic. Notice how you are the one asking for advice on your reddit posts? Notice how I’m only on here to fuck around & make jokes. Get help.

Only a Cumia would try and tarnish the idea of spending time with parents

I don't listen to bitches with such nonsensical reddit usernames

You want more Ro posts?

Alright alright you're a faggot WE GET IT!

"We" is the only word that offends me on here. Also, you ain't no Opie, so don't try to steer the ship.


And nobody would troll Dawn anyway.

Of course they wouldn't cause why would people who can't escape dependency know about strategy?


No offense and all, but I could do more on my lunch break to f' with the Cumia's than this sub has done since it's creation.. You got mentions on a few shows cause you aggravated one of the crew when they tried to use this specific sub.. Wanna cookie there Mr.SweatyFatRolls?

Your keyboard's cutting out.

Uh oh the 90 IQ reddit user who couldn't use a computer before there were big buttons is getting witty.. What am I going to do?????


You're as boring as every other fat loser one here who thinks they are going to overwhelm someone with lazy one-liners that they get sweaty typing..

Your keyboard's shit, dude.

Says the guy terrified of what will happen if he posts more than a sentence..

Since you brought it up, I'm about 5'11/185 pounds. I'll admit, the ol' waste line ain't what it was back in my high school days, but I do have a fairly standard BMI for an adult American male. However, insinuating that I sweat while typing is simply over-the-top, bordering on hyperbolic. Also, you're a massive faggot.

Nice multiple sentence comment reply, stupid.

I could do more on my lunch break to f' with the Cumia's than this sub has done since it's creation..

What are your ideas?

Nothing I'm a proud supporter of the Cumia family... See I can do that too..

Say that first part three times out loud.

Weird, right?

Yeah, say that 3 times outloud and you will be visited by Anthony 'Deedlejuice' Cumia

Oh boy couldja!? You're a true marvel

You may have a point about Dawn, who is a victim in all this, but Brother Joe made a pact with his brother 48 years ago that WILL be honored, through thick and thin.

racist rapist pedos can enter contracts too

Coon v. Kuhn (2017)

Is this Fat Opie?


This is Joe's newest alt, move along.

They both take an allowance from their child predator brother. And don't give me that "Saint on Earth" bullshit about Dawn. There's evil lurking:

Good luck getting that across to this sub.. My posts on it was about how when it actually comes to it people here aren't capable of much...

People here are very capable of posting about what scum the Cumias are. If Anthony didn't try so hard to make people believe he's a law abiding conservative man with strict morals and family values while being the exact opposite in real life and on the internet, most of this sub would leave him alone. He's a child predator, woman beating, gun law breaking, blocking, doxxing, anti-1A, hypocrite nigger fuck.

Most people here can't even find out where Ant's house, apartment, and studio are and they are at the top of google or on the ticket system or revealed through his social accounts.. The whole sub once tried to dox all the crooked cops and state people that play poker with him and didn't get one name.. I got five in about six hours before stopping out of bordom just from pictures and social media..


People here are lazy and stupid AF and pretty much shit on anyone who has cam through that could have been leveraged..

Posting that info gets this sub shut down, and the autists here know the info. The only time mods like u/SpaceEdge and u/thetoolman do their jobs is when they take down posts by ballwashers like you who post the addresses hoping to get the sub shut down.

Boy if you don't stop I will say schmarmy tings about ya, DUDE

What’s up mersh/anthonygroomia

I'm bored with the subject unless you idiots want to rank the post up.. Every argument against everything I said in it is just lazy BS with no fact behind it.