Jimmy and Nana will likely spend this holiday weekend, edging and crying about how Alan and Stew dumped them both meanwhile Opie...

28  2018-09-02 by disawayisthrows

is likely enjoying the weekend with his family like a real American man, fishing alongside his son, playing with his daughter and relaxing with his beautiful blonde bombshell of a wife in the Hamptons.

God bless this man, he won the war and he boomed us all in the process.


Shut up faggot

"playing with his daughter "

lol, she's not wearing that helmet because she likes sports.

Hope your own helmet didn't get in the way while you were crafting this joke.

My favorite thing is when guys write unfunny lines, so they have to put "lol" in there as they have no confidence in their joke.

Is it truly your favorite thing? Do you think Opie's daughter is his favorite thing or a massive disappointment?

Forgot to add "lol" or "haha holy shit" to your post sweetie.

This is highly offensive. Words hurt, sir.


Take it easy on the Opie angle....you can slam the old lady and the closeted selfish homosexual without the ironic Opie love. Boring.

The only irony here is that you think the Opie live is ironic and think you're in on some joke.

Fuck you OP you are a loser faggot

He is gonna be 90 while the others died of the same AIDS strain several decades earlier.

the pro opie shit is retarded