Weekly Free-For-All Thread: September 02, 2018

0  2018-09-02 by AutoModerator

Feel free to use this thread for whatever you would like to discuss this week.

Since this thread is likely to fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts.



ME: My podcast on Westwood One is also fawkin Free-For-All!

Apparently Bill Clinton has one of those weird cocks that curves downwards.

Ayy it's finally here. We eatin fam

Since this thread is likely to fill up quickly

Yeah I don't think so.

I wonder what kind of allowance Macho Missy is getting for her troubles.

(s)He's probably allowed to order as much Propecia as (s)he desires.

Joe Cumia isn't very smart.

Thank you for your service

u/porsalin where we at with that Jimmy doc?

It's about 60% made so far!

Scratch that. It'll be ready Wednesday evening. Nearly there.

Just a reminder, Jims take on the black panthers intimidating voters was retarded

Since this thread is likely to fill up quickly, consider sorting the comments by "new"

What machine could filter through all of these fucking comments? There must be at least eight, maybe nine.

Anthony is threatening to dox me

Call his bluff!


There was a comment by someone who'd been repeatedly emailing Compound Media in broken English, trying to get their app to work.

...except they aren't a subscriber, speak perfect English, and kept switch between Android and IOS apps just to annoy whoever was answering their emails.

I looked fucking hilarious, but I closed the tab, and now I can't find it again. Can anyone point me to where it is? It's a comment, not a post and the search isn't helping me.

This is definitely something I check every week and not a thread I hide immediately

The fact that white supremacists have a white power hand sign is hilarious. And hypocritical as fuck.


Has anyone heard any revelations or new stories in Ant’s book? Nobody is talking about it.

Sam sure does love to fanboy over mediocre shit every day.

Does anyone have the audio from the ‘take the hit’ guy who called into opie&jim?

Why are these dumb threads still here?