Tex Hooper - Norm Macdonald

4  2018-09-02 by ChadKensingtonBulge


Any relation to Stan Hooper? Go ahead and check, I got a minute.

2nd cousins

A Minute With Stan Hooper was fucking gold. And Fox replaced it with that stupid fucking Paris Hilton/Nicole Richie reality show.

Hoping beyond hope that with his new Netflix deal they run the full 13 episodes.

Such a great album

It's so short though, isn't only like 50 minutes long? Still damn funny.

I forget the exact length but Tex Hooper, The psychiatrist, the fantastic four, gambling sportscaster, whatever the superman one was called. Lot's of great skits and in my opinion that's a lot harder thing to pull off in an album than just straight standup. Norms great.