Backstabbing faggots

131  2018-09-01 by ShutYourCakeHorn


Truer words have never captioned a photo....

Way funnier than Opie

Tranny loving alcoholics.

One alcoholic, one ozzy imitator

Jim smiles like he's a first grader.

That is why Ant attracted to him.

Nice natural hair lines, stupids

Does Anthony have a dead tooth?

Yeah, he also has a dead everything else. What I'm saying is that he's a decrepit corpse

His mom is certainly dead.

My favorite part is that Jim is rarely on his best buddy's shitty alt right podcast.

We're a couple of guys who...

Who catch loads like when the laundrys thrown

who catch more colored loads than a laundry mat


What did they do to Opie? I know they are no longer friends but did something recently come out?

Also two faced as they were bad mouthing the Opster behind his back like chatty wives while still doing O&A. How petty is it to walk around bad mouthing your partner every day. Just squash it or move on faggots. Both of them are so rotten and bitter inside. Just die you fucking queers.

I'm starting to side with Opie...

You don't have to pick a side. They all suck.

The Opster is a legend, he could have been a model.

🎼Yeah, modeling bras

And bra bombings. Ooof.

It's not picking a side, I just think Opie is trying to move on with his career but these two sapps keep bringing up drama like 16 year old girls

Opie also does not fuck mentally disturbed boys

Awful necks

Hey idiot in the back, the Nazi salute is done with the right hand, not the left stupid.

The pests have turned

I have never seen two sets of teeth (dentures for Anthony) that I would love to kick in more.

The smile is hurting jimmy's face and gives him watery eyes.

Jim genuinely has no idea how to smile.

Who catch loads like when the laundrys thrown