Yes being too silent is your problem. Please, do more complaining and soon people will realize what they've been missing.

20  2018-09-01 by Ant_Sucks


burning bridges get her on Kevin's show!

Her throwing a tantrum is the closest she’s come to being amusing

I really hope female comics all come together and boycott comedy tho

That’ll show us stupid fellas

Everyone already knows all about this alleged conduct going on in the industry, Ms. Griffin. This is old hat.

in the 1990s kathy griffin asked fred stoller if she could punch him in the face because she hates men

Every feminist in the world would trade it all in an instant if it meant they could be pretty and feminine and have a handsome husband to cook and clean for and a brood of rosy-cheeked children to fill their empty houses with joy and laughter. Unfortunately, because they're all patently unfuckable, they have to doom themselves to unhappiness by becoming shrill, bitter man-haters.

It's like George Carlin's bit about how people against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place so it cancels out.

Just replace pro-life with feminists.


Are regular Joes supposed to feel sorry for Hollywood millionaires? “Too ugly to get a part”, meanwhile plumbers are digging literal shit out of sewers.

Don't you get it? The sexist country of America holds back women from being on TV! Obviously if the majority of the country who are women aren't watching their standup and supporting their projects its because asshole men are forcing them not to!

She says they need to fight for females overseas (actual sex slavery, child brides and genital mutilation) but FIRST they need to fix hollywood studios.

Comedy, like chess, should be broken up into men's and women's divisions.