Wonder when Pete will kill himself

71  2018-09-01 by Gac93


That nigga grabbed the shit out of that tit

2020 won't come soon enough.


I mean I prefer 60 Minutes but too each his own.

I like Nightline, or sumpthin'.

She looks comfortable.

She's one from Dan Schneider's harem. A little groping is nothing.

When did Ant become a pastor? I never knew Ariana was >18.

If Pete wants to maintain his new gangsta image, his only option now is to beat the shit out of this guy. I'm thinking he most likely does nothing and cries to Ariana about it in private because it's ALL HER FAULT FOR WEARING THAT DRESS!


Well, that's not entirely wrong.

Mel would handle this shit, stat.

Something tells me he'd have a few choice words for the reverend!

Mel would say it was her fault, and she should thank god it wasnt a pack of reverends

There might also be some comments made about him "not being a real Christian" as "those people don't have souls," and perhaps a "we should never have sent missionaries over there" and a "should have left them to their jungle cannibal superstitions." Just spitballing here.

"we should never have sent missionaries over there" and a "should have left them to their jungle cannibal superstitions."

Keep going, I'm listening

Faggot didn't even finger her. Pathetic and sad! (Personal opinion)

mc hammer?

Forget about this handsy nigga. When the fuck is bad boy Pete going to call out Dan "the Hymen Divider"Schneider? Schneider already is out of Hollywood, head low hanging fruit now anyway for "me too."

metoo isnt about pedo shit

its about women getting affirmative action jobs as “diversity hires” to keep the power dynamic fair

its bullshit

Hollywood is all in with pedos

dan schneider has literally never harmed an adult female

Dan's not even the most egregious pedo we talk about on here.

Pete looks like such a loser now, he’s probably the type of FGT that is too good to talk to ppl anymore, but will probably blow his brains out when she realizes how much of a whinny little bitch he is.

Pete'll see this, get another tattoo and call it a day.

'niggers cum but faggot and go forever is'

This is a very good joke, vuuury good.

Clinton was also looking at dat ass

Ol' Billdo wanted to cram it in her ginny shitter

someone in that thread commented "I wish Pete Davidson came out of nowhere and decked him"


His wrist would snap backward

Real Ass Dude of the Month.

She was looking fine as fuck in that skimpy little dress that she wore to a funeral of all places. I wouldn't have groped her, but I definitely would have pulled a Bill Clinton and looked her up and down. It reminds me of my uncle's funeral. One of his daughters showed up to the funeral in a tight little dress, assumed the doggy style position at his grave, and started bawling. Instead of thinking about my dead uncle, I started thinking about my cousin's top shelf pooper.

Sounds like a good time for a game of pocket pool, friend!

I don't get it with her, she's just a tiny broad with a cute face, there's no ass or tits.

& a hairy butthole (so I've heard)

Now you've piqued my interest

You're lucky. I'm attracted to chicks with perky little tits and tight little bodies who look like they could be high school cheerleaders. It's truly a curse.

I'm attracted to mentally ill girls with fat asses and flat tummies(not an easy combo to find), that's a curse as well.

Thought this was Anthony at first but then I read "high school" and figured that's a little too old

Hey maybe this is why Ant stayed away from Ro’s funeral, he’d be too tempted to fingerbang a family member over her grave. I heard he’s fucking his brother’s daughter.

His mother's son's brother's girlfriend's daughter, stupid.

I like you. You're a good person.

fuckin little hoowah was asking for it. Shameless!

Pfft, sideboob.

Meanwhile this subs' over here screaming from the rooftops about Sarah Tianna being hand raped by that Indian/Canadian comic for years and only thing we get is banned and the YouTube link scrubbed.

"...but but Louis jacked off infront of me...."

Shut up

Why can't they behave?

how can you grope 0 tits?

Ah be nice. They're itty bitty but they're pert. I'd like to mortar my cum onto that flat chest.

Ant was right , they are animals

Ant also jerked off with his cousin’s underwear on his face.

Well he's a nigger, so...

What a fucking disgusting creep.

Pete is so transparently ill-equipped to hang on to this girl for the long haul. She will arrive at the epiphany literally any second now that she can do infinitely better. Losing her is going to utterly ruin him.

This sounds like something Jim would do:

Pete Davidson, who has struggled with mental heath issues most of his life, has revealed he once tried to drown himself in a pool.

“I’ve been in and out of mental health facilities since I was 9,” the 24-year-old “Saturday Night Live” star said in Variety’s annual Power of Young Hollywood issue published Tuesday. “I tried to drown myself in the pool when I was in the fourth or fifth grade. I was trying to get my head stuck in the ladder in the deep end, so I would not be able to get up.”

He added, “But I’m too much of a p—y, and my head is too small.”

Ah, the AJ Soprano method

He's so transparent. He's just a boring average dorky dipshit like Norton, so do the chick thing & invent some shit about themselves to appear more mysterious & tortured.


I tried to kill myself but was too much of a pussy to try and kill myself. What the fuck is this?

He's such a fuckup he can't even kill himself properly.

Trying to kill yourself and saving yourself is not what I call "trying to kill yourself." That's just faggot cry-for-attention horseshit.

Jumping off a bridge and landing on a freight ship full of pillows is "trying to kill yourself" and being unsuccessful.

Exactly. It's like saying Oh I tried to kill myself by taking a bunch of sleeping pills but pussied out and didn't take the pills. Idk why faggots sympathize with this nonsense.

His dad died on 9/11 you guys. Marion saw the movie World Trade Center.

Maybe she shouldn't have worn that dress.

Sober dudes do this shit for real? I thought behaviour like this was like a feminist myth. This is extremely rapey and disgusting. But what is most abhorrent thing about this situation is that Ariana Grande was even invited at this funeral. She's a fucking creepy midget sex-singer who would be nothing if she didnt agree to deepthroat a microphone.

Niggers am I right

Probably cry and "overdose" on marijuana. Ol' anus eyes McGillicuddy