Calling John's wives

0  2018-09-01 by pissbag2004

Was listening to the show earlier and heard them reference an old bit they used to do in the early days.

Basically they would call the homes of people who were published in the paper for soliciting prostitutes and informing their wives.

Is the audio available anywhere?


Jesus Christ, they really did that? What absolute pieces of shit. Anthony deserves EVERYTHING hes getting right now and more

Nah the whole "get him suspended by telling the teacher on him!" is still gay as fuck.

Fuck off compoundfag

Paying money, maybe as much as $5k, to get him suspended would be a lot worse

Yeah he thought you all defaced his dead mom's memorial wall and reacted like most people would - irrationally.

inb4 "muh didn't even see his mum in a year m8"

It's gay to care about his family life so much.

You're basically like women who buy celebrity gossip magazines.

He didn't care about his mom, so why would that make him react irrationally? Doesn't make sense logically.

Just face it, he is a sensitive baby, and wants to silence people who don't like him. Just like the anti free speech "libtards" that he claims to be better than

You all sounds so effeminate lol. You're like some bird he didn't call. It's so very gay.

What a faggy tattletale thing to do to someone. Especially a total stranger.

probably a bit and not real

Ratz,Seeds of Rats. Valachi babies.