Even when IrrelevAnt was making money, he still chose to live off the highway in Long Island

16  2018-09-01 by Single_Action_Army

In case you need any more proof that this northern yokel is utterly incapable of stepping a toe out of his comfort zone.

And he's gonna move to Texas soon? Okay, Nana.


He's going to become Alex Jones' roommate. They both love the trannies.

Do you think Alex and Anthony trust each other enough to be honest when they're alone? Or do you think they're splitting double full bed hotel room screaming at each other that they're only doing this to uncover the conspiracy between liberal mind control and transsexual relations?

Only two things come from Texas.

Deers and fears

That actually sounds very convenient.

Hilarious Anthony

Buidling regs disgust me, how close they allow a house to be built to a highway...

where a noisy wop could distract the harmonious flow of traffic