Seems like a challenge to me

28  2018-08-31 by crookedmile


That Linda Miller thing should have the decency to use pictures of her pets or a flower or some shit instead of that close up of her scary face.

It’s a trans woman, right? No way Linda Miller is cisgendered.

Guys, let's not make fun of her.

Let's throw molotov cocktails at her house instead

I'm a happily married woman with 3 kids, all grown. I'm Sioux, I'm creative, I love cooking, reading, comedy, talk radio, and I'm an AVID runner!

She definitely thinks this bolded part will get her a Compound invite.

Legend of the Dog-Faced Woman

She can't be a real person

I wonder what Joe will pretend to be next week?

"Yeeeeeaaa haw partner!!, I'm Joey The Spit Drinkin Kid. I'm the rootenest tootenest gunslinger this side of Fire Island"

The ol' Coon Spittoon

Twitter gladiator?

You are in your 80s Joe, actually your age.

Remember, Joe said everyone should stop using Twitter so I'm sure he will shut his own account down soon. No need to try and get it done for him.

We must have a team? No shit Joe, there's consistently 1000+ people on this subreddit and 99% of us despise you.

Of course the dog faced Linda Miller chimes in with a relevant and not at all dated 300 gif.

Who the fuck put's "Motorcycle Rider" in their bio?

Motorcycle enthusiasts?

You got me..

I'll delete my account and go blow my head off.

Faggots who take their Kawasaki out for 30 minutes every Sunday

Why can't we do a phishing scam on joe,get his passwords. That's what the fappening guy did and this braindead Hollywood actresses are a million times smarter than samcro joe

It's a felony.

I better be careful i don't want to end up on peoples court

If you got caught you'd be in a real court.

I think that was me. lol

Suck on this, fatboy.

Seems mentally challenged to me

It’s a trans woman, right? No way Linda Miller is cisgendered.

I'm a happily married woman with 3 kids, all grown. I'm Sioux, I'm creative, I love cooking, reading, comedy, talk radio, and I'm an AVID runner!

She definitely thinks this bolded part will get her a Compound invite.

Legend of the Dog-Faced Woman

She can't be a real person