When did Bill Burr become Paul Hargis?

46  2018-08-31 by BenedictJimmy


He looks like that dick head neighbor who always yell at you to turn your lousy rap music down at 6pm

Might have to side with the dick head on this one

I mean if youre gonna be blaring rap why not at least play some that's not lousy

Well, rap music is awfully lousy.

I live next to a real piece of shit who blast horrible music. People who blast music are the most inconsiderate pieces of shit known to man. Nobody Minds that anybody plays any certain type of music but when you're sitting in your home and you have to hear some fucking assholes music it's insufferable. I can guarantee you you probably haven't worked and earned a home. when you spent most of your young adult life being prudent and saving and building a nice comfortable home for yourself and all you want to do is sit in your home and peace and quiet and some dick head down the street is blaring fucking music it'll make you want to rip your hair out. So if you're that type of dick that would do that really think twice about how your actions affect other people. And you're probably sitting there thinking "listen to this shit head" I bet you once you get older and actually earn something for yourself and you have a home that's not your mom's basement or a shity apartment then you'll see what I'm saying but by then it'll be too late cuz you're already a piece of fucking shit.

When Nia neutered him

Wait... is that actually Burr?


Not a great look, but would be for a role... dirty cop or something.


Say what you will.. still have love for ole Billy Bilderberg.

Dude she looks like Tracy Jordan in a wig

Oh Jeeeesussss...


I never really had an issue with the bitch before... wow.


This needs to be it's own post. Yuck.

It’s a scene from the trailer of “The Front Runner”. He’s playing a reporter

Says on IMDB he is playing George McGovern. He looks nothing like him.

He’s not. It’s wrong

But the internet is never wrong!

He looks like a P.E. coach

When he started raping kids

He's looking more and more like his brother Patterson everyday.

Cuck Burr, married a niggress

Jesus, that's bad.

After he had a kid of his own

He’s going for that Carl Winslow look.