Looking for a bit from the show that inadvertently shows off how crazy Ant is from childhood

3  2018-08-31 by StarWarsMonopoly

One of the interns/backroom guys did a stand up set and they were all listening to it. I want to say it was Travis.

Anyway, the jokes are all about his home life/growing up with parents who fought or were miserable.

When they pause either the first or second time to analyze the jokes, Ant goes off on a rant for like 10 minutes and starts immitating his parents fighting back and forth very intenesly.

No one prompts Ant to start this rant, nor do they have anything to add as he starts yelling.

Then they awkwardly start playing more of the jokes, and when they pause again Ant goes balistic again, appoligizing by saying "Im sorry, I know this isn't about me" while everyone stays kind of quiet and says something like "breath Anthony, its alright".

I can't find the clip because I heard it as a one off in an episode and ive tried searching Youtube with all sorts of different key words.

Anyway, with all the Ant Psychoanalyzing thats been going on here lately I want to hear that one again.

Hopefully one of you knows which clip im talking about


Ant did that bit a few times. It always sounded too real.

Yeah, this time it was a specific thing (the stand up set) that triggered him though.

He goes through the whole cycle though, bringing up the puppet "doll" and all haha

You mean the spaghetti on the wall stuff?

Yeah, but this one is a little rarer.

It had all the same things he usually talks about plus some more even, and he is waaaay more emotional and is pretty much yelling the entire rant.

Something in the stand up jokes really really triggered him.