Skid Ro - "I Don't Remember You"

110  2018-08-31 by crookedmile


Those faggots grew their hair out thinking they were going to be rockstars.

Actually I think that Brillo pad coarse fur of theirs grows over the entire body and they just shave most of it to try and pass off as humanoids.

I hate when faggots grow out their jew fros thinking that it's just as cool as a metal dude's whispy viking mane.

All you're doing is showing off your niggery genes.

They had the songs and the look, I wonder why they never got singed...

Tony's hair sure looks singed.



On the right is their lead singer, Sebastian Pock.

Ant looks like Klinger in this pic which is very telling because it turns out he's a panty wearing faggot.

tHeSe PeOpLe ArE cAuCaSiAn......APRIL FAAALLS!!!

14 is Ripe.

Eh, I tried.

Monkey Business

as American as apple pie.

How did this white woman give birth to those things?

They could bleach their hair yellow, too

Right after this pic was taken the Cumias boarded the Sal's boat, the "USS Greasy Wop", and preceded to freebase a 1/4 kilo of low grade cocaine.

Ballin out compared to their usual crack party in the kitchenette.

I can't tell if Ant's dealing coke or arms in this picture.

Either way, he's on a first-name basis with Ollie North.

Ro always looked like a kidnapping victim among her grown-up children.

Dawn with the Artie Lange nose

"Can't remember yesterday..."


Did Anth get a secret nosejob?

Also, look how white Ro is compared to those nappy headed muugs.

No, he still has a huge manta ray shaped nigger nose. He just has a bigger head and bloated face now from HGH and alcohol abuse.

I bet Ro was a real nkce lady. Shame on the house of Cumia for abandoning her. Shame.

Anthony Horshack

My god just look at that guy. How dare he pretend to be white.

It's honestly impressive how ugly Anth looks for being young(ish), thin, and wearing sunglasses.

Through the sleepless nights through every endless day | I'd want to hear you say, I remember you oh oh

Tony Two Shirts: "Hey, that line sound's great! It's got something, makes me think about Dara..."

Joey Kid Spitz: "yo, A, wanna take mom out to dinner?"

TTS: "NOT NOW, I'm on to something big here!"

Looks like a Stern cosplay convention.

Smiling faces, smiling faces, tell lies... and i got proof