Can you imagine what Anthony & his always fat, always goateed, always mentally-ill ballwashers would do if one of their doxxing victims was discovered taking yearly trips to Fire Island?

27  2018-08-31 by Christopher_Barton

They'd probably venmo them for sexual favors.


They'd probably send a private DM attempting to blackmail them into gay sex to keep this info private. Cumia would think he killed two bird with one stone by shutting down a troll AND procuring a new rod for his anus. Instead that person would post that DM here, we would make jokes about the person posting it being gay, the person posting it would respond in good humor and Nana would angrily deny and block the onslaught of mockery the post would bring.

Look at Nostradamus over here

you mean to tell me you never pondered that?

I was busy thinking about water

What exactly is the kayfabe reason they go? Last time didnt Nana just hold up in he ship complaining about the homosexual partying on the island? Whats the fucking point? Its like hitting the beach and complaining about all the sand.

Exactly. He fake vaped and was like "Where are all the women at? Ahahahaha." the whole time. The reasoning initially was Keith's "friend" being gay and visiting him.

It really begs the question why are all boomers potato shaped, sporting a goatee and wearing shit like a blue wallmart tanktop with costco sneakers? Their generation really does only exists to keep the wallmart clothing line in business.

We should go after some of his ballwashers next

They'd suck him silly