I hurt myself today

64  2018-08-31 by sirlucd


I’m watching a webjunk 20 hour long compilation right now fuckin classic

Hook a brothaman up.

Patrice's death still makes me sad sometimes

Just listened to the show that they announced his stroke. Brutally funny.

A stroke of genius


Heat up some pizza rolls

Eating too many pizza rolls makes me feel uniquely shitty

It satisfied me to see this.

Opie would be proud to see brothaman Patrice toppin these charts. That faggot Nana would probably just throw shade.

Opie and Patrice talked on the phone often. Unlike the ghoul, Opie and Patrice were genuine friends.

The destroyer even gifted his good friend a bottle of Louie 3

Granted, we can't accurately measure Opie's google trends. Who the hell googles Gregg Hughes? Maybe 1/5th of Opie searchers. Sadly the Opie result is mixed with the childhood character. Fair to say Anthony is in obscurity.

Justice for Opie

No one needs to search for Opie. He is known. He has transcended Google.

Maaaaan, I wish someone had recorded those calls. I guess real beauty is fleeting....brutha maan.

The average chart looks like o&a are the balls and patricky is the big red diabeetus dick. The main chart looks like o&a are locked in an eternal dance into obscurity,while Patrice,free from all the weight,soars above them. How poetic.

South Dakota waisting away in obscurity.

brotherman climbing the charts

Cant wait for the new studio in Nebraska

A Boy Named Sue
Dirty Old Cock-Sucking Wop
Dark As a Gambian

Add to that the search term "Opie" and you've got a fawkin popular radio legend.


I've always thought that Patrice was on the verge of going big just before he died. Not Kevin Hart big, but certainly high to mid profile.

He probably would have had a hilarious take on the "grab em by the pussy" tape

He'd have a stride like Hannibal Burress

Looks like stocks in Nana are crashing into obscurity-levels.

The most important black man of all time

Hook a brothaman up.

Granted, we can't accurately measure Opie's google trends. Who the hell googles Gregg Hughes? Maybe 1/5th of Opie searchers. Sadly the Opie result is mixed with the childhood character. Fair to say Anthony is in obscurity.