The T stands for Tranpa.

96  2018-08-30 by JustPooch


Never not drinking. I only wish he and I became friends so I could steal all of his gaudy shit when the drink finally consumes him

That plan has landed at least one person in the nut hut


I would ransack the compound if me and he were buds. Just like his "friends" he currently has.


What the fuck is going on with his arm?

Synthol injections. looks like he gets them in the face also

As opposed to the Suethol ones he gets in his anus.

That's a wrinkley old hgh tricep

Whatever hater, Ant abides by the old gym saying "never skip triceps day (but also avoid all other muscle groups)."

the mark of the beat.

dix dix dix

Drinking with a straw like a chick not trying to smear her lipstick.

Nana doesn't want to stain her dentures.

That's the crossroads where E-Rock made a deal with a pedo.

Is he flexin'?

Nice tricep stupid

There’s our alpha male, ladies and gentlemen.

The only time we see one shirted Anthony is part of a costume

Wew. And he's already had one heart attack. Old Tony Two Stents.

Two heart attacks and counting suggests there’s some truth to that.

He looks like a turkish Johnny Cakes in this one

His elbow and forearm look like a midget's.

It looks like he's growing another hole for Sue to fuck.