Mike Tyson fucking rules

67  2018-08-30 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

Was just re-listening to his appearances on the show, God damn he's an interesting, funny dude.

Jimmy is pretty insufferable in them basically salivating at the idea of slurping him off.

Also, absolutely no way he raped that chick.


Yeah. Him image was largely a FAKE NEWS MEDIA NARRATIVE. Look at the Hype around Lennox / Tyson, and then listen to how they speak to each other after the fight. Mike was always a stand up dude, with a scary face and gimmick.

From reading his autobiography and watching various documentaries, my ultimate conclusion is that he was a young man living in a situation where he was destined for prison/violent death who made a serious effort to achieve something significant.

After that he had plenty of circumstantial shit that went against him plus the upbringing & fat kid who figured out how to switch from bullied to bully - it was only gonna end badly.

He actually seems like a nice dude at his core though unlike Anthony Cumia who fucks children.

he made norm a talking pigeon and beats people for money then hugs them

top 10 human

That show was funny as shit

The niglet who accused him of raping her had earlier accused a white guy of raping her, and they threw that shit out because it was obviously a lie. Then she accused Mike and everybody was out to get him, and despite being THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN THE WORLD he didn't leave one bruise on the bitch and she even inserted a diaphragm or some shit. This was a contemporary lynching of a black hero who literally didn du nuffin.

When he got out of prison, he said, paraphrasing, "I didn't do it, but considering I went to prison out of it... yeah, I shoulda raped her. And her mother."

Guy is legit Mel Gibson tier in my book.


The way he talks about her in this one documentary is funny as shit.

Introduces her as "filthy lying swine" before telling his side of the story.

He was never the same after that on top of stealing his prime in prison. He could have been the goat but this bitch robbed us of his career.

He's still the GOAT. Look at his technique in the late '80s. Prime vs. prime, he would have murdered Ali.

Besides, he helped Stone Cold win his first WWF Championship. That's gotta count.

I'm not saying at his peak ali and his fucking dancing wouldn't get smashed, but I'm talking overall career and accolades. He was fighting cans and several over-the-hill fighters in his original run of 37-0 until Buster Douglas. He's a legend, but he could have been so much more.

True. If he had managed to keep a hold of his money, he could've saved his reputation and he'd be kept in the public eye more, shit-talking people he disapproves of.

Wrestling is for faggots and half-breed mongloids

Well tell us how Monday Night Raw was then.

It was... raw

at least he found Islam in prison, which is of course the only true religion.


Only reason he went to jail is because he testified.

It didn't matter, it was a total witch hunt; send the justifiably uppity negro, who is enslaved by cartoonish nigger houseboy Don King, to prison for any reason we can find. I'm not comparing the two, but there's a reason why guys like Thomas Sowell don't get the accolades that coons like Obama and Sharpton do.

Never take the stand when you’re on trial.

Think of all the awesome fights we missed cause of that shit.

Tyson Vs. NordicTrack

Hes a good man and his show on Adult Swim is pretty funny

Doesn't Pete Davidson come in during one appearance and Tyson immediately dislikes him just because of his face? Then he bullies him until he leaves haha

And that was before he started wearing onepiece velour wigger outfits and Hillary's face on his arm.

hillary clinton is bad ass

She is swag af yo

don't 4get that swag lasts 4ever homie

chillaxin wit my homegurrrrrl chillary

and Hillary's face on his arm.

Thank you, I almost forgot about this.


I saw him in Vegas once but I didn't bother him for a photo because im not a pathetic worm that needs photographic evidence of every celebrity I've ever met like a certain stupid faggot that we all know and hate.

I dont believe you.

Mr. Tyson never raped that women. Neither did Tupac for that matter. Two Americans imprisoned because their skin was dark.

and Nana walks around free despite being a bigger Nigger than either of those guys

I like this Tyson interview. Imagine if he wasn't bullied as a kid.


As horrible as that must have been, it certainly made him the ferocious knockout machine that he ended up being.

Mike and Norm are great on the Mike Tyson Mysteries show.

The story he tells of his bully twisting the heads off his pigeons in front of him is so fucked up. You have to think they added to his ferocity going forward in life. I love listening to him talk about his life and experiences.

national treasure, icon of the 20th century, inspiration for young men across the world. He deserves a statue, i think he has one in russia

I daydream about Mike Tyson, Sean Connery, and Mel Gibson appearing at dawn on the crest of a hill like Gandalf and destroying all Jews, faggots, and trannies.

Ile fuck you until ypu love me sauron

Mike said he wished that he raped that chick and her mother. That's something an honest guy would say after being wrongfully imprisoned for four years. He's done plenty of shady shit in his life, but raping that chick isn't one of them. Mike's life would have turned out a lot better if Cus had lived for another decade. I think he would have gone down in history as the greatest heavyweight fighter ever and wouldn't have gotten into nearly as much trouble outside the ring.

I couldn't have put it any better.

The genuine pain and fear on his face as a lost young 19 year old in the footage of being a pallbearer for Cus tells the story better than anyone could describe.

Cus taught him better than to rape someone!

I can't think of Mike Tyson without thinking of Opie's "akwaaaaaard"

Cases like OJ Simpson give a bad name to cases like Mike Tyson or Michael Jackson. In the words of Chris Rock, there's black people and then there's niggehz

Some of the best interviews in O&A history. The way he talked about fights gave off a vibe like Marv in Sin City, like he’s a warrior born in the wrong century. Absolutely surreal compared to how athletes normally talk.

Forgive me for making the appearance of trying to shoehorn Chris Kuhn into every issue, but Tyson was as much a political prisoner, framed with crimes he didn't commit, like him.

Tldr: Mike has health and money problems and I paid 200 for a picture with him and an awful show.

He went on an european tour this year and I went to his show in my city. I expected something like "Undisputed truth". Oh boy was I in for a suprise.

I paid 200 for a ticket including a meet and greet which turned out to be just taking a picture with him. He had a gut and I spend not even 5 seconds with him. I felt bad for people who paid even more as they didnt get more.

Cameras and cellphones were not allowed at all and sealed into cases. He wouldnt sign anything that was brought to the show.

The show was awful, just him being interviewed by a guy with a weird accent who translated his answers. It was held in a Cinema and they could have shown a translation on the screen as the whole thing was rehearsed. It was structured in rounds but only went up to 7 not 12.

Mike had trouble walking down the steps and 2 guys had to lead him. He barely looked in the audience and looked uncomfortable milking his fans.

Half way through the show there was an auction. Just shitty gloves, tshirts, drawings, replica belts signed with a silver sharpie and pimps paying hundreds if not thousands for it.

The merch table only had tshirts for that show, not the awesome roots of fight stuff. The girls working the tables had as much plastic surgeries as the whores the pimps brought.

His final question was "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" - Alive, was his answer which is pretty telling.

I would have rather paid the 200 for a picture and to shake the hand that kod so many people without the show. Just as a donation for all the hours he entertained me beating people up and saying outlandish shit.

I hope I never meet Arnold.

You're a faggot for paying 200 dollars to hear Mike speak. I don't know what you were expecting really

Read the 2nd Paragraph.

Jim Norton is a nancy glassjaw queer who should only be allowed to speak to Mike Tyson to as if he wants starch in his shirts. That cocksucking fairy.

Mike Tyson Murder Mysteries is a pretty fun show as well.

Didn't he at one point say "I wished I really did rape the bitch.. and her mama too."