Is it still this easy, or is he fucking with me?

84  2018-08-30 by RapistWithHIV


Good gravy. This presents some interesting possibilities...

Show up and let us know.

Not sure if there's confusion, but I'm 'Ant' in this conversation. This

I'm an fucking idiot, stupid fucking idiot

Haha holy shit

Not confused

He's reminding you to show up to work you wet brained old wop

This saga is up there with killa kuhn.

he's fucking with you.

From his profile he seems to be an innocent dorky comedy fan that has no evident knowledge or involvement with this circus & the old YKWD producer Deepu is following him. Hope the weather is decent Monday.

no one can be that stupid.

U/Godhand5150 is in this thread and he still didn't get it.

Monday is a holiday though.

This sub had it's fair share of retards in the past, but at least they used to be funny. This giggling like a bitch every time someone posts a Cumia related tweet is faggotry at the highest level.

You're complaining about the lack of content on a site for a radio show that has been off the air for 5 years

I'm complaining about the abundance of shitty content. I mean, I love to shit on these guys, a lot. I even posted a picture of my dog calling Ant a nigger. I have no problem with the abuse. But every faggot with a scuz-stache is posting their "art," and it's hardly ever funny. This faggot even thinks Erock bothered vetting his twitter handle.

Well, have you tried just shutting the fuck up

Don't get upset because you're nawt FuNaYe

Just take the fuckin hit!

Yo mommaz' a ho.

everyone go back to finding my dog bit funny pls

Piss off, Nigger. The future is in cloking Anthony's online presence in swarms of idiotic parody accounts. Join in or be left behind. Hating Opie is sooo quarter 2 2018.

The British are faggots, and soccer is for little fairy boys.

Lol the dog called Ant a nigger. AHAHA HOLY SHIT!!

Much more humorous than getting his Twitter banned for a fourth time while he's trying to promote a book. Convert or die faggot, this is no time for fence-sitters.

Just remember the proclaimation of our idol Christopher Kuhn "you must decide whether you want to effect their lives or not"

U r nawt funnie.

Veni Vidi Vici

Nice motto stupid.

There's a fully nude strip club in town with "veni vedi veni" on their marquee. Always thought that was pretty clever for Little Darlings.

I get it. That's pretty clever for a place were woman show their cunts for money.

Should have block out the username. Some Anthony stan is going to tweet this at him

I like it better when the fake Anthony acconts try to solicit gay sex from his fans

It is really that easy. Anthony himself is an alcoholic high school drop out, how smart do you expect his hardcore fans to be?

Poor sweet Bobby.

He'll learn a lesson from this.

Welcome to real world, jackass.

You're so good at this that you are fooling most of the people here as well. Keep it up

WHY ARE YOU POSTING THIS ON HERE? You should get a job and become out guy on the inside. Now you've ruined eeeevvvvvrryyyyttthgignfdks

Eventually one of you are gonna show up and it's gonna be the basement scene from Pulp Fiction.

Who is this Bobby guy?

I'm an fucking idiot, stupid fucking idiot

You're complaining about the lack of content on a site for a radio show that has been off the air for 5 years

Not confused

He's reminding you to show up to work you wet brained old wop

I get it. That's pretty clever for a place were woman show their cunts for money.