Im not endorsing it, but has anyone tried to ddos nanas servers or compound medias for that matter?

2  2018-08-29 by _Nutbuster

nobody should because that could be a crime but im curious if anyone has tried.


They do a fine job keeping their website and app down all on their own.

Just ask the sub politely to all visit it at the same time.

"Has anyone tried to sink that sinking ship?"

try it. I almost positive he's using as much computing power mining cryptocurrency that he possibly can.

They use Cloudflare, which is pretty good about that kind of thing barring some botnet on the level of the Mirai IoT attack.....not sure how the new RSS is set up now, but the RSS feed/app would probably be the weakest point. Anyway this is lame compared to the psychological but legal torment of getting him banned from social media.

They use Cloudflare, which is pretty good about that kind of things barring some botnet on the level of the Mirai IoT attack