pre-order Stuttering Johns books so it passes Ant's as the #1 book in general broadcasting. Just cancel your order before it releases in October

103  2018-08-29 by DISSENT_IS_DEATH


The genius of this place is truly remarkable.



Fuck off, Keith.

He’s never steered us wrong before. Proof enough for me.

His account is 4 days old, and that was his one and only comment.

So you see my point.



Ah cancel before it ships .... someone knows the Amazon secret of buying gifts for cam models, getting the private show, then canceling the gift before it ships so you're not charged. Smart.

I didn't know people did this, but now I'm very glad I do.


Fucking hilarious. I "ordered" two copies.

That book cover is almost as bad as Anthony's.

Or if anyone wants to actually order the book about a 76 year old radio detective show "Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar" it seems like it's neck and neck with Anthony's New book.

Johnny Dollar? That don't make no cents! tsss

This is genius because it also fucks with stuttering John. I tip my hat, sir.


Scam that, Jew

I didn't know people did this, but now I'm very glad I do.
