Melissa Stetten is retweeeting and tweeting anti-Louis CK stuff but still seems to support Anthony or not come forward (aside from that deleted blog) about his misadventures.

26  2018-08-29 by OpieEatsBoogers


Well yeah, Louis CK consensually jerked off in front of people, gross.

Anthony Cumia just physically and mentally abused young women/confused boys.

I'm assuming nana paid her off with some xanax for her silence whe he actually had money. She was all in for a while then just backed off out of no where

Weird how she’s also dated James Gun after Anthony, let’s start some conspiracy theories...

She's the real child-trafficker, she just set up Kurt Love to take the fall for her when it came to Nana's playthings.

Because no one knows who Anthony is anymore.

She's always been a fameseeking starfucker. She's doing it for attention hoping people will notice and ask her if she's had encounters with CK and get mentioned in an article somewhere. If she mentions Anthony it will only cause people to dig up her history with him dressing like a Nazi, making videos with him where she reenacts domestic violence for laughs, she's complicit in his misogyny, racism, child predator tendencies/behavior, etc. She's no saint, but she gets a small pass for her blog post ( and exposing Anthony's relationship with Sue Lightning.

so when will she talk about the trannie louie has been jerking off to

I dislike Louis very much but any woman who is still kicking him when he’s down is a rampaging cunt.

He’s square with the house. He is more than square with the house (cube with the house?). He has suffered far more than any of the women he has “harmed.” I’d rather a thousand guys jerk off infront of me than see my multimillion dollar career be obliterated.

These cccccuuuuuunts have taken everything from him and more, and are still complaining.


Louis is an incestuous pedophile.

Women are agents of chaos. They destroy not build. Its why they have been kept down by smarter men before us. Now we have given them the power to run society and they will simply run it into the ground.

god DAMN bitch CUNTS

its almost like whores have shit for brains

Do you think she registered the domain name According to ICANN Whois?

She somehow fucked her way to obscurity