Indinana Jones and the Compound of Groom

107  2018-08-29 by GorramTimebomb


”Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.”

"I was a child. I was in love. It was wrong and you knew it!"

"You knew what you were doing."

Bud light bottle dwarfed by the (usually medicated) erection of NAMBLA figurehead.

Say what you want about that gay, stupid, racist, gun-losing, twitter-obsessed, black, twink-biting, tranny-receiving kid-persuader...he's got a nice piece.

Maybe he like... younger wee-men.

You've really gone above and beyond here.

There was a time not so long ago when an asian child could have a line like "sound rike step on fortune cookie" and no one batted an eye

He no nuts, he's crazy!

He's on a mission to return his ass egg to a small Indian village.