The destroyer wins again..

240  2018-08-29 by bananapuddin


Can you even catch anything that close? I'm not poor so I never had to fish as "entertainment" so I wouldn't know.

The Opster is catching striped bass, brothaman

Poor people fish for food where I live. They might be entertained if they're drinking malt liquor idk. It's not a beautiful ocean though just a big giant muddy river.

Nice location, stupid.

Not all of us are big city coastal cosmopolitan gaybois, srry.

I have some relatives in South Jersey who fish from the beach often. They can catch some nice stripers and sea bass. Occasionally a decent flounder.

I never had to fish as "entertainment"

It has nothing to do with being poor. Go down to the beach, throw some lines in, sit there and have a drink or smoke a j and chill. It's not everyone's cup of tea but it's very relaxing.

We don’t deserve The Destroyer. What a man, what a broadcaster.

Maybe SOMEONE should stop being such a Twitter-banned leatherfaced dark-hater and learn from Father Brotherman’s tear-inducing words of 💕


“Remember: Love trumps hate, brotherman.” - The Destroyer 🙏

GOH doesn’t need to catch anything or be funny or entertaining or interesting in any way. He’s centered and fully fulfilled. It’s all gravy for our guy. Drink another mikes hard grapefruit, cast n crank away the days brotherman!

Now if this guy wrote a book....I think we would all learn a little from this legends wisdom,

Permanently Great


I love the fact that Opie is fishing on the beach as away time from his loving wife and kids while Anthony is repeatedly being banned from twitter as he desperately attempts to stay relevant.

Hate him if you wish, but despite all the accusations Jimmy and Ant have made about him, he's doing what any normal man I his position would do - enjoying life.

Meanwhile Ant is cursing out Twitter and desperate to stay famous while he spends the weekend on an isle of gays (Not that there's anything wrong with that...) While Jimmy edges in his lonely, autograph-pasted apartment that normal women run out of like he's a Hollywood-loving serial killer.

Dude, he has signed boxing gloves...

jimmy goes deep with the boxing. He's all in, in fact.

do it.. downvote me... I have it coming and deserve it... but the stench of loneliness and delusion in this is depressing. I'm not some beta who thinks women are capable of love as men conceive of it, but his golddigging Trophy breeder wife certainly doesn't feel even the least twinge of emotion for him. You're at the beach fishing because you're not creative and this is a stock photo example you could come up with as your baby brain tried to come up with an answer for "relaxing.. vacation.. getting away from it all.. enjoying the day"

I get keeping your kids/fam out of social media, but you know you bring it with you when you're around them. Every new word in their vocabulary brings them closer to "daddy, what is cake stomp?"

Judging by the time they are probably at school or work(depending on their age)

You know they could be there too, right?

And the Destroyer will teach them what a joke is. Seriously, the cake-stomp outrage was fucking gay.

I never got why people found that so awful. They played Hitler speeches at a holocaust survivor, but stomping on a cake was the last straw?

Fake outrage to hate on Opie. Faggots on Reddit who never heard the show before 2012.


Fuck, just yesterday i listened to the show where they made a dude listen in on a phone-call with his girlfriend and ex fucking and moaning. I mean, mean shit was common on O&A, it was just a cake.

Opie, while goofy and at times hacky (not a shocking statement), is in a much, much better position in life right now than Ant or Jimmy. He probably realizes it's all over and he's doing what anybody his age would do with the money he has. Meanwhile, Anthony is rambling like a crazy old man, and any time he came back to twitter, it was the same old "I hate the nigras" shit, learning nothing from his mistakes.

I could be friends with Opie in real life but I cannot find an ounce of respect for him as a broadcaster.

That's a good way to put it. Opie wasn't very talented, but he's also the least insane/scummy person.

I disagree on the talent part. He didn't have a lot of on-air talent but Ant and Jimmy needed his drive and vision to actually get the show anywhere. Opie should have been a program director at a station, not on-air talent.

You're not wrong. He would have been good in a Steve C or Nagel role who stops into the show every so often but isn't a main guy.

Not even that. He should've just full time stood there with a spray bottle and hit Jim and Ant with water every time they started talking about black crime or considered bringing in pornstars.

One man can only spray so much.

I honesty kind of wish they could have gone O&A with Patrice back when Jimmy was doing Lucky Louie. But Patrice really brought out the best in both of them and I think Opie was good at getting more out of Patrice.

Why do old people always use fifty fucking ellipsis in every paragraph?

what are you 12


good one

Loving wife that never stuck his belongings in cat shit.

Opie entering his prime in his mid-50's like Dangerfield.

ME: I don't get no retweets, no retweets at all.

You guys know my doctor? Dr Steve? Great guy.

What a great guy

You guys are so pathetic

What's pathetic is your hero Anthony who you love and kiss because you're gay

Lol you sound like a first grader. Just cuz I don't choke on opies cock doesn't mean I like Anthony.

Go have buttsex with your boyfriend Anthony

You're so dumb its sad

Least my boyfriend isn't Anthony Coomia 😂😂👌👌

I dont FAWKIN care about hate PUERIOD.

Even from the shore he is steering the ship.

If only things like guests, sponsors, and talent made him happy. He'd have it made.

I'd pay for his podcast, but this Saint-on-earth lets us listen for free.


Opie is going to win in the end. Are we ready for that?

The enemy of my enemy is my brotherman.

Absolutely. I'm elated that this place stopped with the Anthony dickriding from a few years ago

Are you the Sonny Forelli that used to be on Wackbag and sent in instant feedback?

Only asking because seeing one of the superfans join our ranks makes my dick hard.

No just a fan of Vice City, sorry

I would never listen to his show, but I take his side if I had to pick between him and Anthony.

$10 says there's no line on that rod.

So let me get this straight. At first we were like "oh let's do a thing where we all pretend to like Opie". We did that and it was great. Now though it has lasted for way too long. Somewhere along the way, yall have actually made the lie a reality. And this is what it's always going to be like from now...

Exactly who gives a fuck about how decent they are? They’re not my fucking neighbors or friends. Anthony is hilarious. Opie kinda sucks because he’s not funny but his value is great.

Anthony was hilarious being a guy in the room, he needed Opie running things because obviously he can't

Pretty much what I just eluded to. I said Opie value is great but he isn’t funny. Anthony is hilarious but can’t steer the ship.

I'm not pretending. Ant is a crazy old boomer racist who probably fucks kids, and Jimmy is a creepy sneaky faggot who sells out his friends while trying to act tough. He's the least bad out of all of them at this point

Since when does any of that shit matter, as an O&A fan? Ant and/or Jim could fuck 20 kids and 20 dogs A DAY. And they still wouldn't be as bad as Opie. Because they've actually made me laugh in the past. For hours on end. All Opie has done is kill any mood where his mouth opens to let out an attention seeking sound.

"Ant could fuck 20 kids and he'd be better than Opie" You okay?

What is hyperbole

Anthony is a shell of his former self. We knew for a long time deep down he was racist but he used to be able to joke about it and be self-effacing. Now he's just racist with no sense of humor about it. It's boring and stupid

You are right about everything you've said. But not being funny in the past years is still better than never being funny, ever. Which is what Opie is, he's ALWAYS been boring and stupid.

tsss it’s a bole with too much sugar

I'm not an OandA fan.

Good you chimed in with that pertinent info.

Very inspiring

I'm starting to think The Destroyer wasn't the problem. I'm a huge asshole for pissing on the glue that held that show together. I'm sorry Gregg #OpieRadio #BrothaMan #Fishing #Happiness #Friendship #PhillyCrew

I'm surprised nobody has realized that Opie is just a normal guy that tried to fit into the beta male world of comedy.

I love the either/or nature of this place. Depending on the day's temperature you can make any point seem legitimate in spite of years of evidence to the contrary .

Not everything is black and white, brothaman.

Stars and stripes swimtrunks, too. Complete patriot.

Thanks for the lesson master brotherman.

Opie ain't wrong.

How can you not hate Opie?

I can we hate a man who kept a show together with a self sabotaging racist asshole and a creep dry drunk?

Opie is the god of the o&a universe, the beginning and the end. Without him, almost every memorable cringe moment that is talked about to this day never would of happened. Without him, anthony would have no book to promote or Twitter worth banning. Without him, Jim and Sam would be absolute nobodies and would have nothing to get listeners (do they still do a show?) When the opster had a show, you better fucking believe we were paying attention. Without Opie nobody in the o&a universe (comedians excluded) are shit. Those niggers better recognize that opie made them and put some respect on Opie's name when it leaves their mouth, brothaman!


He's literally giving his old pal advice. What a gentlemen.

the fucking funny thing is I am starting to really like Opie. not a bit.

guy has taken a fair amount of shit from EVERYONE his past co workers, past fans, past regular guests. Opie remains a rock and never has a true breakdown like Nana or Norton (nortons is coming).

Is Opie a little corny? yeah . is Opie not the funniest guy in the room? yeah but at the end of the day Opie is the better human being out of all these people and I would rather have a beer and go fishing with Opie then do weird and deranged shit with Anthony.

Taking such a beating and losing his job has humbled him, I’ll give you that. But I can’t get past the fact that he did all that behind the scenes shit to get people fired, edited out, etc and straight up lied about it.

That being said, I don’t doubt for a second that he’s a law abiding citizen, good father/husband, and has handled his personal life and wealth like a well adjusted adult.

Do we really know that he did all that for sure? or is that possibly propaganda from his haters fueled by Anthony?

remember, the Russians killed waaay more people and did a lot more fucked up evil shit than the Nazi's but the Nazi is the go-to bad guy. it's about the story u get.

Found Adam Eget's Reddit account.

tee hee

6 million? 600,000? It’s bad either way!

He won't even let them have 6. It's all a lie to him.

"He doesn't like David Irving, says he's too smart!"

Churchill starved like 4 million Indians as a tactic to keep them in the empire and nobody cares because the survivors didn't move to Hollywood and make a million movies about it or teach it as the most important event ever in state schools.

I hate Opie for that too, problem is deep down inside I would have done the same thing. So what the fuck

Yeah but now that i dont like any of the people he fucked over i find it a great and funny bit.

All except the people who still only make $50k. Opie the primadonna fucking up the worlds of other spoiled brats doesn’t bother me at all. It’s when his underpaid employees felt the pain that’s unsettling.

I would rather have a beer and go fishing with Opie

Lol, don't go overboard, captian. Do you honestly spend time with people and enjoy their presence based on the content of their character?

Maybe I'm nuts, but I would you rather be stuck with a child rapist/racist/tranny fucker that can make me occasionally laugh and pick up on social cues over an unfunny, boorish dope on the spectrum.

My biggest problem with the guy is that he’s a bully. I know that sounds like an insufferable SJW thing for me to say, but hear me out: Opie basically made a career out of picking on people who can’t fight back (well, with the exception of trying unsuccessfully to get Sempai Stern to notice him). He threw that lady’s poker chips, he stomped on Homeless Andrew’s cake and threw money at him, he took Stalker Patti’s wig and made her crawl around on the floor with mousetraps, he fucked with Bobo (a trusting borderline retarded guy) and E-Rock (an employee of his). He gleefully sicced the “Pests” (ugh) on small market radio shows and laughed, and savaged Terri Clifford. But whenever those same Pests gave him the same treatment, or whenever on or the comedians on his show hit him back, he’d frankly turn into a little bitch.

He was a fragile guy who made a career out of being cruel to other, weaker people. I can’t respect a guy like that.


you certainly seem rustled, though. Maybe take Ope's advice from his tweet :)

The board's just passed you by.

As stupid as Opie is, he isn't wrong...he puts together a shitty podcast that he enjoys doing with his friends and has fuck you money (seemingly). Anthony is a fucking disaster compared to that.

New self help book: The Zen of Ope

Every day I'm convinced more and more that in addition to celebrating Christ as our Lord and Savior, that Opie is also an enthusiastic Daoist.

He doesn't fight the flow or try to manipulate it. Opie realizes he is the Dao and thus his life is measured with a perfect harmony and balance the likes of which most of us could only dream.

nostalgically reposts the cakestomp video to /r/iamatotalpieceofshit

Permanently Great

Exactly who gives a fuck about how decent they are? They’re not my fucking neighbors or friends. Anthony is hilarious. Opie kinda sucks because he’s not funny but his value is great.

I'm not pretending. Ant is a crazy old boomer racist who probably fucks kids, and Jimmy is a creepy sneaky faggot who sells out his friends while trying to act tough. He's the least bad out of all of them at this point

You are right about everything you've said. But not being funny in the past years is still better than never being funny, ever. Which is what Opie is, he's ALWAYS been boring and stupid.

You're not wrong. He would have been good in a Steve C or Nagel role who stops into the show every so often but isn't a main guy.