Dick pills

6  2018-08-29 by CasperKuhn

These past few months I've been drinking heavily and was having problems keeping my little pecka up. I went to the VA and was prescribed Viagra 50mg but the cheap fucks there only give 2 pills a month. Those 2 pills don't do shit for a 29 day edge cycle. In that time ive aquired a Chinese or Korean (not really sure) gf that also demands sex. To keep my addictions going I needed to find a supply that wouldn't make go broke, so, I went to the roid-heads forum on bodybuilding.com, where I found an Indian site that sells Viagra and Cialis cheap. Don't need to give credit info, they accept Amazon gift cards. The pills are cheap but shipping is $25. Took 9 days to get to me but arrived with official packaging and work just as good if not better than the ones I'm prescribed. The past few weeks this sub has made me really happy and today with the downfall of ole Crater face Cumia I feel a weird sense of euphoria. Seems like there's a balance in the world that hasn't been in a long time. I'm proud to say that im 1 day sober from dick pills and had sex with a natural erection that lasted a whole 5 min. Today has been good. If there's any other limp dicks out there the website is https://aipctshop.com God bless Oh yeah... Rich Vos will be preforming Thursday, August 30 at Comedy cellar Las Vegas


Nice wall of text, stupid.


Doot Doot Doot

talkin of blue, someone throw my a good iop for valium

are these safe for fat guys to take?



No, I don’t like downers.


You should be fine unless you have a shitty heart. It may cause a headache, runny nose, blurry vision, a need for a finger or two in the butt but those side effects don't last very long

HAHAHA! You’re all womanless losers with miserable unsuccessful lives! Hahaha! Enjoying myself.