Louis C.K. Returns to Stand-Up With Surprise 15 minutes NY Performance; gets ovation • r/GamerGhazi

8  2018-08-29 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


He should just lean into his bad boy reputation and do a Andy Kaufman bit where he Jacks off at the crowd while mighty mouse is playing

The fuck is this faggot ass sub lmao

Its where the most gender fluid leftists go to queer out together

I would post there but I'm banned and I never even said anything.

Seeing this makes me absolutely despise the politically correct course of nature this country is going.

Aziz Ansari invited a girl into his room and forced her to give him head, but he's fine because the left deemed it ok. But Louis CK asking a girl if he can jerk off in front of her and her saying yes? Absolute demon.