Nana's final account had been banned

497  2018-08-28 by quasi100


Put on some music & open the bar boys......

I'm going to have a hard time sleeping tonight due to laughter.

He's permanently suspended in obscurity?

He's in good company.

At last with his mother.




aha ha Hoolly Shit!

who needs xanax when you got /r/opienadanthony.

This place is my safe space.

I love you guys

through your tears


This must be how 4chan felt on election night

The credits have rolled on Nana's Twitter: The Final Chapter. How long before production begins on Nana's Twitter: A New Beginning?

The New Blood

(His girlfriend just got her 1st period)

probly time to dump her then, getting too old.

Sending them back to somewhere worse than obscurity...Middle School

The blood wasn't from her first period.

Come on, Keith. Get yer hands dirty.

Gotta knock some heads!

Good that fucker just blocked me yesterday. Fuck him

He sent you to obscurity?

Ha! You losers are all jealous! Away with you!

What's the over/under on hours before he makes another final account?




Nice work, everyone

Fire up your alt twitters folks, we're in the endgame now

Fuck yes mother fuck yes. I imagine what I'm feeling now is exactly what my grandfather felt fighting in the pacific ww2

A penis in between his oriental sex worker’s legs?

If you need some "proof" here's a blank template -



Looks like a transcript of all his tweets tonight. Tee-hee.


gotta saturate twitter and discredit all of these fakers.

Holy fuck this looks like it could be his account too. Please tell me it's fake. It's too good!

Just make sure to support the real one


I don't have a Twitter account but I thank y'all for your outstanding work.

get in there soldier

I can't Sarge I'm scairt

I looked through it and see a direct stolen quote of one of mine. Not a retweet, just a stolen tweet.

Unoriginal cocksucker can't even be an unoriginal cocksucker without being an unoriginal cocksucker.

I thought it was the real account for a second, cocksucker is so good at imitating Ant it you tricked me.

I never tweeted at Joe, Dawn or Bobo. All three blocked me anyways.

It is 100% totally real. Completely real. Take it from a guy who knows real.

On a scale from 1 to real, it's real.

here's the banner if you want it

If we're going by the same system as the jocktober facebook raids, what phase are we in?

Right before total meltdown.

Now how do we get his book taken off Amazon?

I appreciate the "#Hashtag".

"Go screw" is the stupidest tell off ever. What the fuck does it even mean? Does he want the person to go have sex? Because that would be awful for them.

Ol' Missy is gonna get an earful tonight

A few broken ribs too

I'd bet she could kick his ass, hopefully she periscopes it when she does.

He bites

Most bitches do

I bet he just resorts to screaming what he would normally retweet "look! a black man arrested on charges of theft and assault in new jersey!

And that anal egg is going to get a inpromptu stress testing.


He’s cooped up on the boat with Keith for the weekend again, he’s probably having a great time and not letting it bother him though.

He probably won’t shut up about how he doesn’t care and twitter sucks.

An ear full of fist.


Or a mouthful.....

Or a fistful....

Ya know - because he bites and beats his women.

Oh my gawd i knowww

As dumb as she is she's probably really happy because she doesn't have to stare at him laughing to himself constantly on his phone like a 15 year old girl taking pictures showing people how 'great his life is'. Missy 1, Anthony 0.

FAWK yeah

And Tunisian bite marks all over her hand.

This is like xmas morning



Let's pick one of the Nana troll accounts and make that our new Anthony

I went with this because they can't get me for impersonation since ole tony was using it to get around a ban the irony is too much.

Or the alts could all insist THEY'RE the real Anthony, bewildering his slack-jawed yokel Cumpound fans. There needs to be collective punishment here.


If everyone could hold out long enough to make it believable....

We should make a Wholesome Anthony twitter account where he only speaks of unity and peace.

Or a Bizarro Anthony where he tweets about white criminals and hits on women his age.

🤤I’m so happy right now.

My wife (jealous guy’s?) keeps asking why I keep laughing looking at phone, I can’t even begin to explain why I’m grinning ear to ear.

Happier than Colonel Slade in a Ferrari



Jesus Christ, Anthony. Spend some time with your family and work on re-tooling your awkward podcast. Get off Twitter. It's literally never helped you and has only hurt you.

Stop talking about black crime and Democrats and just focus on doing a funny show. Shit dude, you still have a reservoir of funny buried somewhere in there, just chill the fuck out and tap into it again.

What family? Even Joe has a wife and kids of his own. Hes got turtle face, who in every picture is either on her phone or playing his steam games, and the cat to talk to.

FINALLY someone says this.

Don't we say this hourly?

oh literal corsican pimp

I don't think pedophilia is something you can just take a sabbatical from and come back clear headed. He needs to do one good deed in his shitty life and finally hang himself.

He was the funniest out of all of us. But somewhere along the way he got lost.

What's that other platform where he made an account? Watch out for him to post there

gab, acumia999 or something dumb, but theres not blocking there. I think there's a mute or something but its way easier to troll him or I can remember.

Permanently Suspended 🤣🤣🤣

Wait a minute, isn't that the name of his book?

Maybe this was all a viral marketing campaign

Oh no, I think a twitter account might be useful for promoting a book tour

Oh literal Ken_Kennerson

Now is the time I wish Anthony had his guns back

But he an irresponsible black person

Now, only the fake Anthony Cumia twitter accounts will be left.

Nice observation, stupid.

I eagerly await his healthy and rational response to this.

Where are you gonna read it? xD

Don't forget @TheCumiaShow and @ArtieandAnthony!

Yup. He’ll be back with one of those. He can’t stop himself now.

That pock-marked hydra needs an acid bath.

Great work babababbboys

How's that feel, fucker

got a pre-teen girls ribs hurting today



I'm going to watch Platoon tonight.

Y'all smoke this shit to escape from obscurity? Me? I don't need this shit. I am obscurity. There's the way it is and there's the way it ought to be.

This would be the perfect time for this sub to start a wave of fake accounts. Make sure no one can tell which new handle the real lightning fucker is going by.

a "proof" template -

The suicide is pending.

"Final" account

His excuse for the next account will be “my publisher says I need to be active on social media to promote the book, and I have to honor the contract”.

Thank youuuuuuu Satan !

Ant can't promote his book on Twitter or on Jim & Sam, or on Bennington lol

He'll take over his families accounts, compound media etc, we just need to keep up the attacks

At least he has Compound Media!


Is that still a thing?

Lol at 40 comments in 15 minutes. Haha

Holy shit

Nana's twitter thumb is fidgeting uncontrollably right now.

Especially since his other thumb is currently up Keith’s ass.


We did it, brothermen!

Give yerrrrself a belllll!

And I recorded my video talking about his twitter high jinks last night. Fuck.

It's the perfect time to drop it! Nana's twitter ban and endorphins are currently blowing each other in the r/opieandanthony hive mind.

I'm going to add a short memorial to the video



I like to think my report of his "n people" tweet was the final straw.

I did same

Ditto. Buh bye dickhead.

Obscurity is a cold mistress

What next, wetbrain?

Ali isn't there anymore

That's direct from their shitty website

Of course!

Email her anyway

They have advertising?

Yesterday Kuhn gets sentenced, today Ant gets banned. My dick can't stay hard all week fellas.

My dick can't stay hard at all

That's why we need that dick spray dude

Agreed. I've got a rock-hard blood log that could cut glass

Just in time for his vacation in the Bahamas

I'm sure he'll use that time to reflect on his behavior and shed negative thinking... Hahahoolyshit

And he's on a fucking weeklong vacation!

So wait...all those other accounts are booking guests for a week he isn't doing shows? Oh, that won't be good.

How will he tell us when blacks are negatively affecting his vacation?

This will never do.

He's going to be soooo pissed he can't tweet black crime stats all week. He's going to be bored out of his mind. Hopefully he might die of alcohol poisoning.

Let's not forget, he was originally suspended for defending Opie.

** EL OH EL**

This is fantastic. Drinks all around!

Ding dong the tranny fuckee's gone

I'm still waiting for one of his "fans" to shut this sub down. He already been through 3 twitter accounts since then.

As of this moment, we are all dead. We go into battle to reclaim our lives. Victory is life.

Tonight, we walk in the halls of Faghalla!

His book is next. Need to step up with harassing the publisher

Already sent a bunch of his “nig” and “kike” screen grabs to the publisher and various activist accounts. I want to see Tony Two Shirts knocking tin again by next year.


I feel like a dog that finally caught a car

The good news is, if he makes a new twitter, all of us will be unblocked yet again.






This one looks pretty real, and is totally not one I just made.

I'm up to 12 tweets and already exhausted and kind of hate myself for it.

How the fuck does he do this all day?

See if you can find any alcohol, deeply held racist sentiment or repressed homesexuality for fuel.

Someone get me a sexually confused young man and some xanax.

Sounds like just xanax will do.

That's a relief. I was afraid it was him (it's just too good).

so good a certain spit sipping biker cosplayer is following him...

Brother Joe secretly hates Ant and is laughing his ass off.

Wow I mean the skill level here.

This one is really good. Wow.

I think some people are actually convinced

The idiot didnt know that reporting people for impersonating him would get him kicked off again. What a dumbass

One of his responses was "you don't even need to be logged in to report it", meaning he thought anonymously reporting would save him since his brain is full of holes and bud lite.

He also didn't plan on me copying his account exactly and when it was banned contacting twitter to asking how I could impersonate someone who was banned.

...contacting twitter to ask how I could impersonate someone who was banned.

That's beautiful.

Check mate nana

And benzodiazepines, which cause dementia.

He still has @TheCumiaShow with over 57,000 followers. I'm surprised that one isn't gone yet.

"Nana, Nana, hey, hey... Goooodbye!"

This is literally the best news I’ve gotten in months. Can we bully this old man into suicide?!!!!!

Anyone take acumia999 on twitter yet?

Go for it man.

This is a great day. A great day.

And that's how you executive produce!

This is what we’ve been training all year for boys

Tango Down. We got him

I cackled out loud, this is wondiferous

He will seek legal action against this sub. Where will he shill his book now?

Haaa... bye bye! There it goes! You see me block this dick Missy? Oh, yeah, no, keep doing your one arm pull-ups, I just had to block this douche cunt... haha bye bye fucko... back to obscurity! This guys going to fall over himself making a new account to troll me like Dick Van Dyke tripping over the ottoman.

If this is not the highest upvoted post in this sub Reddit of all times I’ll eat a log of dog shit.

“And the women, they'll smile, on Victory Day,

And the children, they'll laugh and they'll sing and they'll play,

And the forests will echo our grace, for the brand new dawn of our Race,

And when we finally conquer, our people will be free,

And all across this great land, the bold Truth we shall see,

So as we march together, to avoid catastrophe, let's remember always our sacred Destiny,

And that we banned the Twitter of Ugly Anthony!”

To put it in terms he might understand; The Soviets have entered Berlin.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Please! Stop! I can't stand the winning any more!

Couldn't make it even two weeks on his "last" account. Glorious.

This was a huge favor for him because he can't help himself. Now enjoy the gay vacation.


Atleast he wasnt promoting a book LMFAO

This is hilarious. The compound media twitter account is still up

He is a weak addict. He will make another one.

I hear those people have poor impulse control.

I came

Staying off twitter should help his book sales.

Thanks to everyone who made this happen, I'm smiling like a simpleton right now.

Imagine that, he will not have 6-7 hours a day to be alone with his thoughts. What a nightmare.

Thinking about the colossal mistake he made that night in 2014...

You know that eats at him. A real brain-nibbler.

That wasn't his biggest mistake. He had momentum to build his channel and was given time to develop it, but he had to go and threaten to dox viewers, bite a girl, lose his gun, and become an overall lolcow.

After about a year there were no defenders left.

Just imagine what CM could have been. Keep good will with his fans, maybe acquire an investor so he could bring on actual talent, maybe even acquire Jim or Ron. Ran for free with ads and live reads, like Rogan. Get a competent producer. There's a million things that could have gone right to make it something, and NONE have.

Reminds me of this shit:

'Quietest place on earth' causes hallucinations No one can stand more than 45 minutes inside Orfield Laboratory's ultra-silent anechoic chamber.

Thi sis his life now

Hey stacy this is great......

Whoever had the idea to mimic Ant with @cumiaofficial and martyred yourself by getting banned, we owe this to you.

Ha ha what a dumb cunt.

Great work, gentlemen!

Holy shit my reports worked...

This made my year. YES!

Another victory in a global jihad against the Kummiya clan.

He should come here, admit to tranny fucking and bend the knee

Banu al-Qumiyyah placed their bets against the rise of Dawlah Autismiyyah-- and now their foul gains are to be paid in full, insha'allah.

I just raised my hands in the air and yelled “YES!”.

fawk twitter, I #StandWithAnt against that shitty website!

Do ya?

I only regret that I have but one Twitter account to lose for my sub.

Hey Anthony, you stupid nigger: go fuck yourself

He'll be back


The guy is worth like $100 million. I really doubt he cares about this Twitter shit. It's just a game to him.

I would be surprised if he even writes his own Tweets. He probably hires people to run his social media like most celebrities do.

Switch to your main acc, Anth, it's over. You lost.

Yeah and he has 100,000 subscribers too!

This elderly creep has made 4 or 5 accounts because he keeps getting banned for his endless harassment and hatred. No one that doesn’t care about twitter would do that.

Hahaha jesus christ, son.

What about the Streisand effect!?! Jokes on us!!

I hope the frustration of this combined with the 27th bud light blows out one of his stents. Dumb irrelevant old fuck.

I highly doubt he won’t be coming back, twitter fights are a large portion of his day

If we could somehow get the worm booted off of Twitter as well, we'd be set for life.

I give him 12 hours tops.

You've done well, my disciples. The prophecy is almost complete.

Hail to your messiah!

Incredible work

Not a chance in hell he'll stay away


That's cool and all but DiD yOu guYS fiLe PoLIce rEpOrts yEt? YoU sUpPort pEdoPHILia if yoU dOn't 😎😎😎

Had a bad day yesterday; shit like this is real mood booster.

Were not done yet. Brother joe still has an account

What an accomplishment for all of you.

Woke up this mornin',

got myself a rope

gab, acumia999 or something dumb, but theres not blocking there. I think there's a mute or something but its way easier to troll him or I can remember.

So wait...all those other accounts are booking guests for a week he isn't doing shows? Oh, that won't be good.

Maybe this was all a viral marketing campaign

How will he tell us when blacks are negatively affecting his vacation?

This will never do.