Take a break from your Cumia assaults when you have a chance later, and watch the new Plinkett review from our favorite hardcore, pipe-hittin' niggas...

6  2018-08-28 by TangerineReam


I saw it at the cinema and it was excruciating. Closing in on 3 hours of nonsensical, boring dreck. They broke Luke who was an amazing, optimistic hero. A girl who can literally just do anything with no explanation. Kylo was kind of interesting in this one but they balked at making the interesting choice which would have been some kind of partnership between him and Rey.

Curious to see how this differs from Mike's middle-of-the-road review of the film on Half in the Bag. The critique must be thoroughly filtered through the Plinkett character.

Middle-of-the-road review? He took a giant shit on those embarrassing man-children that still love Star Wars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV9m8frtGHg

They always shit on the SW fans but my memory of their HitB review was that the man, Mike S., who plays the Plinkett character didn't entirely trash the movie and gave it partial credit for trying different things.

What's not to like about a film that shoehorns a black and Asian pointless subplot for no reason