This is what many would point to as the key failure of democracy; the uniformed Guinea.

4  2018-08-28 by RBuddCumia


Thats literally as deep as his politics goes.

Same as the root of his cock: skin deep

Isn’t, at least in this sense, saying “I endorse him 100%” the same as saying “wholeheartedly”? I don’t know, it seems like only dumb person would be so repetitive and obnoxious.

He actually could have given this horrible tweet more gravity by using CAPS lock on the one sentence he chose not to and leaving the rest normal. Joe is a retarded, white trash mooch.

I believe the blanket term "Niggers" also covers this.

Cuomo is definitely going to win anyway.

No, not after Joe Cumia Jr. threw his weight around. Not no mores.

Having joe endorse you for anything is like having Eddie mush bet the same bet as you

Is there anything they do that is not a Howard Stern ripoff?

Wow is he stupid