This asshole constantly posts screenshots from this sub to snitch on fake Cumia accounts

6  2018-08-28 by greygooser


This is next-level embarrassing. The obsession with letting people know what/who someone likes is absolutely, in my opinion, a mental health issue. The white knighting of millionaires is fucking gross

Ew. What a gaylord.

Probably Joe.

I saw this earlier. The guy really is the biggest fucking faggot. He should be targeted.

His remaining fan base are people nothing like his old fan base, weirdo tattletale grown men who feel the need to white knight for nana.

Just send him to obscurity with your Tranpa account before he gets the chance.

if you listen to even 1 podcast you are a regrettable faggot.

This will get him an invite to the compound for sure!