If we could raise $1k in a Jimmy style goFuckme drive, we could take out an ad on CM for Tranny Porn and MAKE Tranth read it live

0  2018-08-28 by Hamburger212

I nominate Stinks or that guy who makes the Anthony documentaries as the most trustworthy of us to pull this off


Yeah... Give Stinks untraceable money from strangers...

Or he could just not read it. Nice plan, stupid.

we BUY ads! He reads them or we sue him. Sue Lighting him, that is

So you’re going to raise more money to sue him? He can just refuse the ad you know, he doesn’t have to just read whatever the fuck people give him.

That's not how this fantasy works.

oh yeah? Well, I slept with your wife!

I'm a better druggie than stinks

[paypal link]

"Make Tranth Great Again"