Anthony has alts banned quickly because he submits proof of ID to support. Just saying folks.

56  2018-08-28 by MarbleSpaceDog


Nice mustache stupid

I don't want this kind of brutal back of the room table talk in my thread. Please leave.

From unrestricted carry to totally restricted from owning in just 5 years.

Home run Cumia.

His concealed carry license has been "permanently suspended"


They should confiscate those choppers, too, when you think about it.

but what of his twitter account?

"Rise, fall... AND RISE AGAIN!!!"

He could not look more like a piece of stereotypical wop scum in that picture.

Which is fine (I guess) but he role plays as a blond iowa farm boy that played football in high school, joined the Army and came home and is now a family man and cop

Don't forget Providence and maybe Bridgeport.

Definitely. I was rolling Providence into "Boston" because I didn't want to get too wordy. You're absolutely right tho

This guy is just itching for a black kid to cough in his direction.

Was it him getting alts banned or purchasing followers and violating TOS?

It was Ant reporting them. He posted a screenshot of a report where it shows he has to submit photo ID. I hope someone doesn't use the photos of concealed carry license IDs to report his parody account.

Mine was banned, but they didn't give a reason why. I'm trying to contact them to find out a reason, but they are slow as shit. I assume they'll just ignore it.

Let's say someone saves this pic and sends it to twitter support and claims to be Anthony Cumia even though they might be lying. What would happen?

I wouldn't encourage such a thing but I'd bet they'd have to delete corado soprano as well as the others. After all he's evading a ban anyway.

Oh, of course, this is pure speculation.

A cpl is only good for 3 years in New York? What a fucking garbage state.

Anthony Cumia uses his "Convicted Felon ID#" these days, it's much quicker.

"ISIS sympathizer who shot up synagogue had an unrestricted concealed carry license"

We have a lot of halfway decent Photoshoppers on here.

But I don't want anyone filling in any of those censored fields (which at this point we could probably do accurately) with legit information, changing the expiration date to 2022, and putting in a fake license number (what is Twitter gonna do? Run his information through their NYPD database?), then submitting the photoshopped license as 'proof' that the alt accounts are real and CorradoSoprano4 is the impostor. Thereby, getting Ant's "last" account banned.

I repeat: I don't want anyone doing that.

That would be a shame if anyone did that. That's not what I made this for.

DOB: JUNE 9, 1949

HEIGHT: 5'2"


He has aged thirty years since this picture was taken.

His concealed carry license has been "permanently suspended"

"Rise, fall... AND RISE AGAIN!!!"