Vos can only talk about boring road stories and people know one knows and he's fucking terrible

0  2018-08-28 by JimNortonHackFaggot


Know one knows

That you vos?

No, I'm just stupid.

whats the difference

My wife's sister isn't retarded.

no but youre wife is

Two more surgeries until she's my wife, know-it-all.

He won't be telling boring road stories at The Comedy Cellar Las Vegas August 30 through September 2.

I miss the old days here.

Nice “knows,” stupid.

What's so nice about 'em, did they buy you an ice cream cone, queef?

Vos is a Saint you son of a bitch. Take it all back

Your unmarried retarded sister has more sense than you.

I have a feeling that you’re a bit biased, JimNortonHackFaggot.

I'm biased because Vos's stories lately have been really fucking shitty? I'm biased because Jimmy has gone from hero to zero? Relax, cupcake.

know way! that can't be right

more talk about 'the craft'?


The last 3 or 4 times I've heard Vos on the radio he's gone into these weird stories about shit no one knows or cares about. He has no fucking game.

Well, he has Bonnie. That used to be fine.