When exactly did ant *change*?

12  2018-08-28 by Fredrock26

No I don't mean becoming a racist pedo.

I mean when did he change from being pissy eyes afraid of confrontation 9 years of "yes dear" to his alcoholic wife pushover? He's always talking about how whiny and afraid of confrontation he USED to be.

He was a pushover with his wife couldnt divorce her couldnt tell her he didnt wanna vaccuum or clean the cat litter. Had to go over to his mother in laws house until 10 pm after work

He hated his melinda or whatevers mom but bought her teeth and spent family time with her and her family. Bought someone in her family a trailer. He got dragged to couples therapy which he didnt wanna go to. Cried at the thought of her leaving him

He didnt like being forced to do things and having his days planned out by jill but instead of ever bringing it up and maybe standing up for himself and his free time he got caught cheating and it imploded he couldnt even face her to get his car and other shit back.

He never confronted opie on air or otherwise the most brave thing he could muster was bombing at roasts and drunkenly making not so subtle references when opie isnt even there.

Feel free to add more examples


Anthony really is and always has been a dickless bitch.

Ironic considering he gets fucked by a bitch with a dick.

Never confronted Joe about hogging all the neighborhood kids.

Nothing has changed, he's still a complete and total dickless bitch, he just saw people get away with being mean and racist on the internet with no consequence and realized he can do that too.

He was afraid of Ron and Colin Flaherty not getting along.

He never changed he just got a leech named Keith and became enamored with him because he viewed him as manly and wanted to mimic him. Somewhere along the line he lost the funny which was his only redeeming quality.

He's still hilarious

Twitter. Twitter allowed him to confront people without actually physically confronting them.

what! anthony is many things (pedophile, woman beater, niece/cousin/mother fucker, pedophile) but i cant see him being a keyboard warrior

I think Obama getting elected for a 2nd term was the tipping point.

He's still a pussy

He's a lifelong coward, the bullied that became a bully. He hides behind guns but despite his whole "I let my guns do the talking" bravado, would never have the balls to kill in self-defense or even in one of his countless petty feuds. He would also never physically fight anyone, no real muscle tone and a bum ticker consume him.

He's always has others fight his battles and has become so spoiled by years of it, that he's actively dependent on it.

Thats why his new 'man's man' gimick is so fucking funny. If he couldve tweeted at his wife he would've broken up with her before they got married. It's why he walks around his house with a gun, he's literally terrified of everything.

After Melinda left.

When he lost his eggs.

Ant has been suppressing nearly all his emotions for most of his life, love, anger, sexuality... the only outlet that was acceptable from a young age in the Cumia household was racism and homophobia, thats why he uses politics and current events to vent out all his emotions, because he can't form a real connection with his friends or the girls he dates. relisten to the Jill Nicolini saga and Patrice nails it, Ant is emotionally broken so he'll just give any woman a key to his house because that makes up for his inability to form a real connection, he uses money and things to fill the hole inside him and the hole in his relationships. It became more clear during the 2008 election thats when he really started pouring his anger into current events.... because he was unable to address the real problems in his personal and proffesional life he was upset about.

Childhood,treehouse experience.

He's still hilarious