Reminder : Anthony Cumia, absolutely, positively, not jokingly invited a person he thought to be a 14 year old girl to stay over at his house

87  2018-08-28 by Dagidugidai


When you take a step back from the laughs, It’s so sordid.

I know. The fact that he calls it a "compound" when it's barely 5,000sqft.


"Oh man"

I wonder if that police department that handled Chris Kuhn would be able to give some good advice about this, especially if one of the many NaNas were to confess and forward it over?

Police department?

This is conspiracy to traffic a minor across state lines.

A Federal offense.

Isn't Joe's house east wing? So she had the choice between spitting in Joe's mouth or getting fingered by Anth?

Bitner? I hardly chewed her!

Nice spelling, stupid.

When you can see both ends of the "estate" from you backyard velociraptor, are there really "wings?"

It's barely over 5000sqft. And that's counting the pool house.

Dont they arrest people for this exact shit?

That's why you and your crooked cop friend plan ahead and have Chris Hansen on your show to make it look like a joke.

He's got a lot of friends in the FBI. They also track his haters.

Why haven't you called the police? Oh right, you're an Anthony ball washer

My police report is in the stack along with the one /u/TheBlueAwning made

Anthony got away with it for years because he had the privilege of hiding behind a radio character, like when Mr. Imus says something he does it in a character. I think at some point this is all going to catch up to Anthony and he's going to be nailed for something serious. There's just way too much evidence against him and its way past the point of being able to say that it's just for a radio goof.

You know his dick was frothing typing that.

Oh man 😍

Reminder: "Apology Girl" was 16 year old Ileana Kennedy who he was also grooming at the time.

Illeana’s spine is shaped like the pacific coast highway and she looks like a homeless Wednesday Adams.

You can lead a wealthy pedophile to water, but sometimes even millions of dollars won’t make a hot girl like you.

On the upside, when you fuck her she flexes like a Slinky.

What happened to her?

Yeah where is she now? Seems like she’s vanished from the internet, can’t blame her.

Fuck it dood i cant even make a joke about this. You cannot convince me a man his age has any business extending an offer like this to a girl under 18.

Scuffed Roman Polanski

Roman Polacne


Uck. Fucking ghoul.

what is this evidence of? He would do that for all his fans!

...from 8 to 80!

Oh boy

Like that shitty house had an East and West wing.

He just blatantly uses it as a grooming tool. I'm sure he at least only uses DMs now.

I'm more disturbed that he calls the different sides of his house "wings"

...from 8 to 80!