Once CorradoSoprano4 is banned, one of two things will happen:

87  2018-08-28 by Single_Action_Army

1) Ant's attempt at account #6 will be indistinguishable from all the imposter accounts. Yeah, he may have his official handle on TACS but no one but his fat ballwashers watch that show. He and Keith go through Twitter for all their shitty guests and they'll be extremely confused as to who's legit.

2) Ant doesn't make a new account (highly unlikely) but in this case, the more casual of his tiny fanbase periphery will just assume the Ant profile with the most followers is legit. From here, the owner of said account is free to post all pro tranny/man-boy love propaganda and make this Ant's image.

Let's get that twitter policy breaker banned, people.


🎼 “Can’t ya’ hear the sou-ound of our... Twitterian Battle Song! Can’t ya’ hear the sou-und of.. The Nanas marchin’ on!” 🎼


Of all the dramatic things i have ever saw!

Oh good lord

A fake account needs to not have any direct tie to Kumiya - @eattofu420 or something. Buy fake followers, after the bot farms hook you up, change the name to something to fuck with Ant. May pop up as higher on the search results if the acct has like 25k followers.


Lemme tell ya a couple of three things

I am surprised he is till not banned, I reported all those tweets calling out jews and all that wtf.

Fucking with him on Twitter is the perfect revenge for his doxxing nonsense. Other than having pics of Sue tweeted at him he's mostly been left alone on his little safe space up to now.

These false accounts are driving him insane and the one way to get it to stop i.e. leaving Twitter completely, is the one thing he'll never do.

Fucking with him on Twitter really is the perfect revenge for his doxxing nonsense.

Other than having pictures of Sue tweeted at him, he’s more or less been left alone on his little safe space up to now.

What makes it perfect is the only way for him to make it stop would be the one he’ll never do i.e. leave Twitter for good.

Next he’ll say he was going to leave forever but is now obligated to maintain a genuine face amidst a sea of fakery, to protect the integrity of his brand.

When you read his tweets, you can tell he sees reddit as some organized and calculated troll factory, unfairly targeting him. The tranny jokes, the pedo jokes, the skin jokes, and even the mom jokes all make him very mad (spoiler alert: he's probably not having the time of his life), and he dismisses each one with a block.

But this new level of fucking with his Twitter is something he probably never considered, and it's surely the worst case scenario for him. Now people are muddying the waters and sowing real confusion as to who might be the real Anthony Cumia once this account gets suspended. He can create another account, but all of these popping up now, long before they're needed, is putting him way behind the pack and he'll just get lost in the masses.

I'm sure that THIS is the one thing that has him raging, his outraged shrieks echoing off the walls of his empty mcMansion. And he can't do anything about it.

It's fucking beautiful and he deserves it all.

The amount of people he fucked with on the air for years and this little baby couldn't take some teasing about the fact that he bombed at a roast and got caught fucking a tranny?

Hmmm..alcoholic pedophile with no self control who tweets compulsively hundreds of times per day may not be able to hold true to his promise to abandon Twitter. Sounds pretty solid.