I upset the Nana...

149  2018-08-27 by rctothefuture


Not to excuse Ant’s doxxing, but I’ll never understand why these guys go at him with their personal information tied to their Twitter account.

It’s called “F-you obscurity”

Cause we're adults? I could give two shits what this nigger faggot and his 5 obese loser fans have to say about me or my wife/kid. He's a nobody.

I'm one of his 5 fans and we're morbidly obese, get it right you fucking cuck.

Ant would kill to have a wife/kid.

Kill wife to have kid.

Let's be clear, he's "had" plenty of kids before

No shit. And with your pet elephant in your twitter picture as well.

whats ant going to do? say your wifes ugly and then maybe have 3 ballwashers send you messages calling you a fag?

then just report him for targeted harassment

besides u/angryhugo soared up the power rankings. now everybody is trying to copycat

You do realize that using then instead of than in that sentence means that you're agreeing with him.

Yup, it was more trying to fire off the pedo comment. I suck at English

It was a well executed bait and switch. Thank you for your service.

At choosing girlfriends too. Yuck

I love Animal Kingdom.

a man of taste

No chance of hearing Brother Joe's shitty band playing.

Well that was fast, all aboard the hyperloop to obscurity!


He'll unblock you later when he's drunk to see if your girl has a kid sister she could set him up with

Did he DM you to tell you how much fun he was having first?

Sadly no, I did once get a message from opie calling me an asshole though. That was fair

I've been blocked by two Ant accounts and Brother Joe and have never gotten an obscurity message. Bums me out

You lead a purposeful life

You do know that you can connect that mustache to the chinstrap with time & patience right? Also, thank you for your service.

Sadly I only either get the Dad mustache or the chin beard and mustache. I usually just keep the beard and call it a day

I have Joe Dirt facial hair. "It grows in all white trashy on it's own like that." So I shave every day.

He can put "little" in quotes about your girl, but you can put "woman" in quotes about his.

Tranny-fucking pedo.

Well, he cannot sue you for libel.

Peoples Court: Part Deux?!

I love the fact you start out all reasonable, but end on tranny fucky pedo

Ooof, He fucking slayed tranana with that one

At first I was all like 'well this is reasonable' but then I was like YIKES!!

At first I was like "hmm", but then I was like "whoa!"

& then I was like naaa, but then I was like oooh, but then I was like aaaah, but then I was like woooot!

You mean to say he remained reasonable throughout his response.

Dare I say he finished even more reasonable than he started, even.

You KNOW he read that though...

He's gloating that you locked your twitter now

His buddies are happy to @ me calling me a pussy fag. Fair is fair, don't block me if we can't have an open and honest discussion Mr. Cumia.

Dumb fucking wop blocked me first. Big man over here!

How dare he ever mention somebody's physical appearance as an insult

"Are you sure you wanna start up with that profile pic?"


Really showing off the old Cumio self-awareness.

Actually, he’s been called sexy before.

All he wanted was your money from a book sale. I hope you were fibbing about that.


Ant is turned off by a woman who is the shape and size of an adult woman.

Probably doesn't even have a cock either

"tranny fucking pedo" - The stinger that shuts Nana up every time. He hates seeing a good loving relationship. It reminds him of his father's pee pee.

Lol, good work sir.

why are you doxing yourselfe here you moron

If it makes you feel better I would gladly fuck your gf.

But your girl is a fat slob...SLOBBO!


Fatso meant ‘than’ not ‘then’.

Looks like Nana actually upset you

Nah, I genuinely wanted to ask him why he thought anyone would want to read about a radio guy. Isn't your one job to talk?

But I figured calling him a tranny fucking pedo was more to his taste

No I mean your all defensive about your gf after he called her fat XD

I'd hardly call it defensive. Defensive would have been an outrage ala Ant's "DONT INSULT MY MOTHER" rants

You literally said "don't judge my girl"

Essentially the same exact thing And said being defensive about his mother

Are you a meme?

Tssss no, but you're a you you! Fucking home run Chipperson!

Take us out Erock!

I'd hardly call it defensive. Defensive would have been an outrage ala Ant's "DONT INSULT MY MOTHER" rants