Is this the end of @Cumiaofficial? The fuck?

18  2018-08-27 by Ranger_Drumpf


It'd be some bullshit if this account gets banned already when Nana has made multiple accounts and is still hanging around.

I have first-hand knowledge that corrodosoprano4's hateful comments have been reported. They let that hateful bigot hang around, but get rid of the harmless parody account?

And Corrado is still up? The double fuck?

Check it - fucking suspended. Twitter blows.

Fucking shithole service.

Yup account suspended. What a nonsense.

Can't even get a few loffs at the expense of pedophile felons these days.

Twitter is so far up the ass of these celebrity liberal types.

Flew too close to the sun

Twitter is a bunch of liberals harboring pedophiles! They have to be stopped!

We can't give up now. Don't stop until that pocky fruit hangs himself from his mcmansion's mcbalcony

I just bought Nana 5000 followers out of reference for his big victory. Hopefully he doesn't get too many from others and get banned by Twitter.

Hey now, if you want to buy someone followers, buy them for my shitty twitter account. I got great content that the Patels and Singh's of the world would love to see.